Scream Bloody Murder
Scream Bloody Murder
R | 20 February 1973 (USA)
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A disturbed boy kills his father with his farm tractor and his arm is mangled in the process. He's taken to a mental hospital where he's outfitted with a hook to replace his lost hand and, years later, he's eventually released from the asylum. He returns home to find his mother has remarried, which sets him off on a murderous rampage.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Michael_Elliott Scream Bloody Murder (1973) ** 1/2 (out of 4)Matthew (Fred Holbert) is a deranged young man who has a serious mother issue. He kills his father with a tractor but when he goes to get off of it he ends up getting his hand caught in it. Now with a hook on his hand, he gets out of the hospital and is enraged when he learns that mommy has married a new guy. He soon hits the road slashing up various men and women who he feels are bad.SCREAM BLOODY MURDER isn't a perfect horror film or even a good one but there are certainly enough interesting moments to make it worth watching if you're a fan of the genre. It should go without saying but Matthew here has bigger mommy issues than even Norman Bates and watching his madness was part of the entertaining and especially early on in the picture where this thing is basically a slasher way before that term would become popular.The first forty-minutes or so basically has Matthew meeting a variety of people and eventually getting upset at them for a variety of reason. This causes him to lash out and kill whoever he is upset with. None of the violence is overly graphic or bloody but the scenes are certainly effective with some clever editing. The second portion of the film has him falling for a prostitute (Leigh Mitchell) who he wants to try and make "good" but when she doesn't want to play that he decides to kidnap her and hold her hostage.Holbert's performance isn't one that I'd call good but there's a certain rawness to it that makes it work in this low-budget tale. The performance almost seems like a real person and thought the weakness of the performance actually helped a little. Mitchell was good in her role as the prostitute and the two of them worked quite well together. The biggest issue with the film is the entire second half as there's just not enough drama or suspense to make up for the lack of killings. Still, SCREAM BLOODY MURDER is an interesting little gem that is worth watching.
missmonochrome Even before the opening credits roll "Scream Bloody Murder" lives up to its title.Little Matthew(Fred Holbert, in his only film performance) decides he digs his father better dead, and apropos of absolutely nothing, runs him over with a tractor. Even more inexplicably, he manages to mangle his own arm in the process.Sent away to a mental institution for many years he comes home a teenager with a hook for a hand and an axe to grind(literally) with his mother and new stepfather who soon die painfully for having the unmitigated gall to get married and seem happy about it on the very day he came home from the loony bin.He then goes on an all out run.... away from the mother of all Oedipus complexes, cutting a bloody swath through everyone he meets, from a young couple giving him a ride out of his small town, to whoever happens to stand in his way.Meeting painter/hooker with a heart of gold Vera(Leigh Matthews, a two film wonder), things look up a touch for our protagonist. He compliments her art, renames her Daisy,brings her flowers, and kills a john for treating her poorly. If that isn't love, he doesn't know what is.Desperate to impress and to make good on his claims of wealth and success to fulfill his weird white knight fantasy of "saving" Vera/Daisy, he murders the entire residency of the closest fancy house he can find, kidnaps his lady love and steals from locals to provide her with all the creature comforts you could possibly need while tied to the stolen bed of a psychopath. The resulting action/reaction struggle of Vera/Daisy's survival instincts and Matthew's manias eventually lead to a quirky but extremely satisfying bloody climax, proving the old adage of "where ever you go, there you are".This film is amateurish on near every level (hammy acting, garish color, jerky cinematography, thin as gossamer plot) and the print that has passed into public domain and an epic ton of multi movie DVD sets is blown out and grainy.However, "Scream Bloody Murder" succeeds almost in spite of itself. It doesn't bother with overambitious story touches it wouldn't have had the budget for, keeps the plot moving quickly, the body count mounting tidily and the dialog simple. Holbert rips through his campy lines with delightful abandon, and Ms. Matthews manages to be appealing enough to root for despite being little more than a cliché archetype. It isn't trying to teach us moral lessons or have pretensions to high art. It's the mania, madness and mayhem fans of the genre want to see....and while it is often goofy, it is never boring.By going further than is necessary at every possible turn, the creators of "Scream Bloody Murder" managed to polish their turd into an excellent bloody Valentine, and a forgotten little gem of B film.6.5 stars
Red-Barracuda This early 70's exploitation film is about a disturbed young man called Matthew who is released from an asylum many years after being sectioned for killing his father, in an act that results in the boy himself losing his hand, which in turn is replaced by a hook-like device. He returns to the family home and proceeds to murder his mother's new husband and, in the process accidentally kills her too. From here on in he is haunted by bloody ghostly visions of her. All the while he continues on a murderous rampage that ultimately results in his abduction of an artist-prostitute who looks very similar to his late mother. He keeps her tied up in the confines of a large house – whose inhabitants he earlier slaughtered – and exerts control over her. But his motives aren't sexual as he appears to be deeply repulsed by sex, which certainly seems to have a lot to do with his murderous rages.Although Scream Bloody Murder is not a very well-acted movie, it actually is quite effective. The tension generated near the end in the scenes where the poor woman is incarcerated and attempting to escape from the house is well handled. So too the various murders, they are certainly brutal enough to give the film an agreeably sleazy veneer. The murders in the mansion are particularly vicious and Matthew even kills the dog! The idea of combining the violent episodes with the scary visions of the bloodied dead mother is a good one too. I would classify this film as one of the spawn of Psycho, seeing as it's about a deeply disturbed mother-fixated young man who murders people when they stir uncomfortable sexual feelings inside him. However, it also contains original elements too, that would appear in later movies such as Don't Go in the House and Misery.This is a quite decent early slasher film that is well worth checking out if you enjoy the genre and also if you appreciate scuzzy low-budget 70's American exploitation movies.
Greatornot Yes I truly gave this flick an 8. Well done movie for a B Flick. Fixated Oedipus Complex Matthew, imagines every woman to be his mother from as early as 7.... leaving nothing but blood for every poor soul that dares to touch a woman or a woman that dares to like being touched, if you know what I mean. From murder, to theft to hostage holding . This film features a villain that is truly a villain in the true sense of the word. Just a teen but evil beyond his years, Matthew with his hook hand delivers before Freddy,Saw and of course Jason. We have a highly , intelligent bad guy here that dresses to impress so to speak, murdering into upper class. Good acting and done mostly in PG mode. Would have liked some R action with maybe some gratuitous nudity . Still, a nice unexpected surprise .