Scorpius Gigantus
Scorpius Gigantus
| 25 July 2006 (USA)
Scorpius Gigantus Trailers

Geneticist seeks to make a name for herself by saving the planet from disease by using eons-old antibodies, harvested from enlarged six legged creatures. The creatures don't like being big and escape. Send for help.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
VividSimon Simply Perfect
GazerRise Fantastic!
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
dmuel Giant bugs produced by American scientists, that look like cheap copies of the "Starship Trooper" variety, escape after they are mistakenly hijacked by the Russiam Mob. An elite team of soldiers goes after them. Blood and mayhem ensue. There's your plot, but this terrible movie should have never been made. What a pity that the name of Roger Corman was affixed to it, a veteran of movie making who, in spite of low budgets, managed to produce some unusual and entertaining flicks in his day. This is an utter piece of crap. The CGI effects are so bad! Please do yourself a favor and don't bother watching this film. I am adding another line here because of IMDb's ridiculous policy that every criticism requires 10 lines. This film doesn't merit saying anymore.
mbwright-1 I bought this hoping to enjoy it. I can usually find something in most movies to enjoy. I really like not so good movies for their entertainment value of being not so good. I sat down and started to watch this movie over the weekend thinking good a monster type movie..Oh boy!! I got it started and about 5-8 minutes I was thinking this is very familiar. It is a remake of Conavore 3. The original was not as bad as this one is because it was a movie that did not try to be more than it was. Scorpius Gigantus tried to use better effects to little advantage. The acting was not there. It followed the script of the other movie so closely that I knew what was happening. They did attempt to make a couple of changes to add something but the changes went to nothing except to add a little time to the running of a movie. If you want to see this movie see Conavore 3 and you will probably enjoy it more.
sustainx This wasn't a bad diversion if you didn't mind not recognizing anybody but Jeff Fahey. It's what you'd expect in most ways. The Special Forces are called in when Russian mafia try to steal what they think is nuclear fuel, only of course, to have it turn out to be something far more dangerous and unpredictable. I tend to think one CG monster is like the next, except in terms of how cleverly it thinks. I like this one. He was in places I didn't expect (others I did) but most of the time it did what it was asked -- it made sweaty palms. My complaint and it's not really a complaint is not knowing who anybody is. I always like seeing familiar faces. I liked Jo-Bourne Taylor, and there's a guy early on who comes and goes very quickly but the rest are adequate unknowns.
cal burl No question about it -- I have to give this film credit for being everything it portends. The DVD cover is a pure 50's big bug tending its eggs (or something.) The film-makers tongues are deeply jammed in their cheeks here. It's not a satire, not a send-up, but a genuine clone of monster movies of the 50's -- and utterly deliberate, a carbon copy of the sensibilities of Godzilla, Forbidden Planet, The Attack of the 50 Foot Woman. Unlike the dreadful Man with the Screaming Brain, this stands on its own -- a tribute by emulation. But not without its own disgusting charms -- (*** spoilers herein ***) the bug that nods when you ask it questions, the detail as the bug lops off the head of the babe, the liberal use ultra slime on virtually everything. This is not a big budget effects movie, but an off the wall, often clever tribute.