Night of the Blood Beast
Night of the Blood Beast
| 01 August 1958 (USA)
Night of the Blood Beast Trailers

An astronaut returns to Earth as the no-pulse host of an alien monster's embryos; he is discovered by a loony farmer who find ways to feed his new critter.

Alicia I love this movie so much
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
davidcarniglia Not bad at all. An interesting plot, good pacing, and decent performances. As others have mentioned, Night of the Blood Beast is reminiscent of The Thing From Another World.Like The Thing, the monster here lurks around the isolated lab, busting its way in, killing, and getting torched by the beleaguered scientists. Isolation helps maintain our suspension of disbelief: it adds to the sense of danger, and makes the experience more plausible, as the cast naturally is just a handful of people, easily contained in a small area. A low-budget movie can't adequately depict a larger-scale menace.Blood Beast also builds on the replicant theme by having the astronaut John host the parasitical aliens in his blood "using his body for a breeding ground". That's an even creepier concept than the pods in The Thing and Invasion of the Body Snatchers.The monster is plenty hokey, sort of like Big Bird with leprosy. Still, at least it looks like a monster. Like countless sci-fi movies of this era, there's an interest in 'understanding' the monster. Rather than the usual naive scientist getting hosed as he tries to use sign language to 'communicate' with the alien/monster, here it makes more sense. John has a literal, biological connection with it.There's suspense about the alien's intentions until the climactic cave scene. Even the doctor's murder is explicable, given the alien's value system. John's suicide neatly simplifies things, as that destroys the replicant process. The alien's final 'we'll-be-back' threat is a good touch.Night of the Blood Beast successfully shows many facets of the 50s sci-fi genre. Even the spacecraft looks cool, at least when it was in flight. When it crashes, though, we're stuck with what a cunning reviewer aptly terms a "septic tank." Also, the alien/monster disembarks like a chunk of sentient crab grass. Still, this is watchable entertainment; in fact if it were nothing but Georgianna Carter standing around looking bewildered, I'd still be watching.
poe-48833 Say what you will, NIGHT OF THE BLOOD BEAST is an impressive seven-day miracle. Like a surprising number of the low-budget sci-fi shockers I've been watching lately, it's well written, with solid performances and good direction- and it delivers in that most important of all categories, The Monster. This guy could've stepped straight out of THE OUTER LIMITS (the original, black and white series). The opening animated sequence of the ship in flight was pretty impressive, too, if you ask me. (The fact that they could throw together a full-size mock-up of the ship in such short order is also an impressive accomplishment.) The idea of the astronaut hosting the unborn young of the Alien could very well have been yet another of the inspirations for Dan O'Bannon and Ridley Scott. (Years ago, long before I saw Mario Bava's PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES, I submitted a script to a California production company in which a colony of settlers on an alien planet are wiped out by some Unknown Force. Upon investigation, the rescue team discovers several members of the colony frozen in freezers, and several others roaming the landscape in search of Human blood. To suggest that NIGHT OF THE BLOOD BEAST speaks to me is an understatement of the highest order.)
ctomvelu1 Silly Roger Corman quickie about an alien who resembles a giant mutated parrot, a dead astronaut who won't stay dead, and a nefarious plot to unleash an alien race upon the Earth. Ed Nelson plays one of a group of scientists who must deal with the giant mutated parrot and the undead astronaut and figure out how to stop the invasion. If you think you've seen the worst man in rubber suit horror flick, guess again. This one tops them all. No budget, no special effects, and yet lots of fun. Wait until you see the final showdown. You're likely to recognize the locales from many other Z-movies of the period. The mutated parrot creature apparently hides out in the same cave as the alien blob from "Space Children." Must get a little crowded in there.
xnet95 As I read reviews of old sci/fi-monster movies on IMDb, I am consistently sickened by the vapid, surface assessment of the movie's worth by a HUGE percentage of people. Many times these low-budget efforts have powerful statements to make if you look deep enough. For those of you that enjoy trying to figure out what kind of message a movie is communicating, please read on.Night of the Blood Beast was made in 1958, and it needs to be viewed in that CONTEXT. This was a time when America was still reeling from McCarthyism and communists were everywhere. During this era, there was no greater threat! So, in that CONTEXT, I offer the following: The babies growing inside the astronaut represent communism. If we accept communism/the monster for even just a minute and listen to it, it can grow and fester inside all of us. After gestation, communism/alien babies will hatch and destroy our way of life. Communsim/aliens will take over, and there will be no turning back. The monster is the voice of communism. He/she's the one that planted the seeds in the astronaut the same way that the seductive message of communism planted the seeds of a socialist paradise into the minds of weak, susceptible, and naive Americans. Accept their offer and all is lost! Everything we hold dear will vanish because our open mindedness will allow these seeds to germinate and take root. And like a weed that takes root, it is almost impossible to eradicate once it has done so. It must be stopped now!!! What's worse, this monster from outer space or communist rule!?!Actually, I should've written "What's worse, this movie or the coterie of pathetic pseudo-snobs that consistently fall all over each other trying to trash a movie based on childish and superficial assessments of that movie's value!?!" Yes, I mean you Michael Elliott, bensonmum2, classicsoncall, and Hitchcoc. You're all pathetic losers that need mental help. Why even watch and write about a movie like this if you're going to judge it by today's standards? You people need to get out more and enjoy REALITY. It's pretty sad when a casual IMDb user like me starts to recognize and remember these loser's names after a while because they write THOUSANDS of superficial, lame reviews. Get a life!