Score: A Hockey Musical
Score: A Hockey Musical
| 22 October 2010 (USA)
Score: A Hockey Musical Trailers

Seventeen-year old Farley has the stick-handling skills of the next Sidney Crosby. Not that Farley has any idea who Crosby is. He’s led a sheltered life, homeschooled by parents whose idea of homework is trips to an art gallery or ashram. His best friend is Eve, the girl who’s lived next door since they were both three. Much to the dismay of his parents, Farley loves to play shinny with the local rink rats. To their even greater dismay, Farley is signed to a major hockey league, where he achieves instant stardom, throwing him into a world of hype. Farley soon finds that hockey fame comes with a price, including the expectation to fight. Throw in a changing relationship with Eve – and Farley is losing his way.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Zoooma What an odd movie this is. It's like Glee meets hockey... not that I really know what Glee is like because God forbid I watch such a program... but I have an idea. Hockey players dancing and singing. It's a pretty stupid movie but as a hockey fan, I found many of the musical numbers rather funny to watch; I was laughing quite a bit! I'm surprised at myself for thinking that I'd actually consider watching this again someday and that says something about how worthwhile a movie is.5.6 / 10--Zoooma, a Kat Pirate Screener!
Enchorde I never thought anybody could dream up the combination of hockey and musical. Someone did, and Score: A Hockey musical is the result. And it is mostly what you can expect of such an unlikely combination. A cheesy, mildly entertaining string of musical numbers and a story without a trace of suspense.It was rather amusing to see the on ice choreographed dances, hockey players in full gear normally doesn't do that. Some lyrics were quite good as well. Too much, however, was just cheesy and nothing but tedious clichés.That the love story couldn't produce a spark to save the movies life was the tipping point though. A fun experiment, but don't expect anyone to try anytime soon again. It just doesn't work out.Score one for conventional stories...
Wizard-8 Funded in part by the Canadian government film funding agency Telefilm Canada (which usually has no clue as to what movies would appeal to a mass audience), "Score: A Hockey Musical" was one of the few Canadian movies to get a theatrical release in Canada as large as a Hollywood movie. It was a disaster at the box office, no doubt because of the obvious fact that the premise - a hockey musical - sounded so stupid. So the movie instantly had one strike against it. But after watching the movie, more problems are evident, including:(1) The central figure of the movie, the sheltered teenager who becomes a big hockey star overnight, is a really bland and colorless individual. In fact, ALL the characters in this movie are shallow.(2) The central story of the movie is just a bunch of clichés we have seen countless times before, like the hero's female "best friend" who has a crush on him but he doesn't realize it etc. etc. etc.(3) The songs. ALL of the songs sound completely alike! That's bad enough, but what makes them even worse are the lyrics that sound like they were the first thing that popped into the songwriters' minds instead of being carefully polished, the awkward way the singers jam in extra words in a desperate attempt to say everything they want, plus the fact that none of the cast (except for Olivia Newton-John) is able to sing.(4) The cinematography. A light-hearted musical should be bright and colorful. Not this movie - it has the Canadian trademark of photography that is dark and murky.Maybe this would have worked as a two minute coming attractions spoof done for a sketch comedy TV show. But as a feature film, it is deadly. I'm glad I didn't pay to see this movie!
nigel77 Have to say some of the reviews on IMDb for Score: A Hockey Musical surprise me. The film was not written or directed to be an Oscar winning production. Score: A Hockey Musical is what it sets out to be, an over-the-top, tongue-in-cheek, cheesy comedy-musical. There is no need or pretense that the characters need to be more than one dimensional or the plot more robust, as Score is all about FUN!!! And it delivers that in spades. I saw the film for the first time last night as the closing feature for the 15th Annual Canberra Film Festival. The near capacity audience was in stitches throughout and gave it generous applause at the end.