Schuks Tshabalala's Survival Guide to South Africa
Schuks Tshabalala's Survival Guide to South Africa
| 28 May 2010 (USA)
Schuks Tshabalala's Survival Guide to South Africa Trailers

Leon Schuster or “Schuks Tshabalala” and Shorty (Alfred Ntombela) intend to produce a movie as a visual guide and aid for foreigners coming to SA for the World Cup. Schuks Tshabalala is a teacher and tour guide to a mixed bag of tourists who are taking his survival guide to SA very seriously. Shorty, as usual, is his best friend, assistant and conscience. The students include ”Heinz” from Germany, “Yoti” from Greece, “Jean-Pierre” from France, “Koert” from The Netherlands, “Rajin” from India, “Maggie” from Ireland and “Xing Xang” from China, among others. They are genuinely eager to learn about SA, so Schuks and Shorty are only too happy to oblige. What follows is a series of hysterical demonstrations of life in SA as they attempt to answer all the questions posed by potential visitors.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
jean-pierre-860-672482 Leon back to his old tricks and practical jokes if your ever watched any of the south African movies such as Mr bones, there's a Zulu on my Stoep, Poena is Koening then your in for a treat.From trying to put makeup on not so dead - dead people, a traffic cop stopping you in a no stopping area, people who are fishing and cutting their fishing lines, a waiter that's just really bad at serving food to locking two guys in a "pet store" and the snake is out of the box your going to laugh your head off. The taxi drivers are in for a treat, it's just catching unsuspecting people in every way.South Africa has super people.
marynamo Leon Schuster is the master of comedy. Once again he proved that people can be tricked so easily. The story is based upon the 2010 world cup. Questions and concerns people have about South Africa. Some things touched on is crime, security, unemployment, fraud and a few more. Some South African custom and flare can be seen. Leon Schuster is known to change his look in more ways than one and ways he pulls tricks on people. People always seem to fall for it and do not recognize him. He must be one of the most slapped around people in South Africa. If you wish to visit South Africa, it is truly a wonderful country with allot to offer. This is truly one of his best movies yet and a must see. It is very funny.