School of Life
School of Life
PG | 19 February 2005 (USA)
School of Life Trailers

At Fallbrook Middle School, the annual student-elected Teacher of the Year award is held. And every year for the last 43 years Norman Warner or most fondly called Stormin' Norman Warner has won the award. Now that he has died, the burden of carrying the legacy falls into the hands of Matt Warner, the son of the late Norman Warner who has always lived in the shadow of his father.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
vincentlynch-moonoi Every time I think about a film that it "has its moments", I realize that the film I'm talking about isn't really very good. And from a former earth science teacher, vice-principal, and principal...I'll tell you that from an educational standpoint, this is not a good film. It's alright if you're one of the light subject teachers (like art), but if you're a content teacher, this film gets it all wrong in terms of what works in schools. I was a reasonably popular teacher and educator, but I never saw a teacher as adored as "Mr. D" that really taught his/her subect with any depth at all. Dressing up an Indian doesn't teach about the Indian wars or the history of the American Indian. And by the way, to show a flashy pop teacher, they have him jumping all over the place in terms of historical ears and events. But teaching is just lecturing, either. And the unpopular teacher here (at least for much of the film) is actually the better teacher.In terms of acting, the actor here that really deserves the credit is David Paymer, one of our finest character actors. Coming in second here is a young Ryan Reynolds. Both do fine, but Paymer shines.The overall plot gets way too silly way too often. A teacher waking up in school in his pajamas? A teacher dressing in homeless clothing and stealing a look at a hospital chart? Really...juvenile stuff.What's interesting about these reviews is most who wrote a review rate it highly, but most who just rated it, rated it quite low. Not sure what that tells us.If you want to see something more serious about education, try "The Emperor's Club" starring Kevin Kline. In terms of "School Of life", it's okay if you like fluff.
Krys78 This movie was special and not because Ryan Reynolds was in it (and believe me I have mad love for RR) but because it hit me in a way that very few movies have had the success of doing. I am not an emotional type but I absolutely broke down after the credits rolled. I don't know what caused it but I was enthralled into the movie the entire hour and 50 minutes. The greatest gift an actor can hear is that the audience believed the character and that somehow they made an impact in your life. Ryan did just that. He has vastly become one of my all time favorite actors. I absolutely can not get enough of this wonderful, gorgeous man. I loved the storyline, the mystery about Mr D and how he approached his teaching. It was great to see Mr. Warner change his tune when he found out that Mr. D had lung cancer. What I liked about the mystery is that it wasn't just thrown at us. Little hints here and there were through out the film. It was only when Mr. D reacted after seeing Mr. Warners class learning about the lung and its functions that we knew something was wrong. Ryan's reaction was dead on for that scene. I loved the kid and his utmost respect for Mr. D's tactics. I wish most teachers taught like that. I definitely recommend this film to anyone who wants to see inspiration, endearment and funny mixed in one.
disdressed12 this isn't too bad a movie.yes it can get preachy but it never really crosses the line into sap and's mostly a family friendly movie with few minor first it feels quite light and fluffy,but if you stick with it,there are some deeper things going on here.David Paymer and Ryan Reynolds are the two bigger names in this movie,but it is Kate Vernon who really impressed a matter of fact,i didn't recognize her while watching the movie.i only saw her name as the end credits rolled. before this had only seen her in very dark movies dealing with violent crimes.anyway,i did like this has a message,but it doesn't beat you over the head too much with it.also the movie is really touching at times,but in a good way.the acting is also good.i give "School of Life" 7/10
simone_blondie oh my god! me and my best friend were flicking through channels on her TV and me found this movie.. we were instantly engaged in the film.. it was an amazing movie.. with great characters and outstanding sad but realistic storyline and great music, settings, camera angles and costuming etc. at times it is sad. ( i almost cried).. but it brought a smile to my face was funny in parts and very happy at most points in the movie. OVERALL: OUTSTANDING, BEAUTIFUL and AMAZING! What i liked most about this movie was its realistic storyline that may reflect ones life. It is a movie for the whole family and will have everyone on the edge of their seats with excitement and tears. (p.s. keep a box of tissues spare!!) i really recommend this movie to anyone really..