Saving Private Pérez
Saving Private Pérez
| 18 March 2011 (USA)
Saving Private Pérez Trailers

La vida ha llevado a Julián Pérez por caminos equivocados, pero el destino le presentará a este hombre la oportunidad de encontrar su redención cuando es enviado a la misión más peligrosa y noble de toda su vida, una misión ordenada por la única autoridad que todavía respeta, su madre, Doña Elvira. Julián debe viajar hasta el otro extremo del mundo, a un lugar llamado Irak, a traer de vuelta vivo, a su hermano menor el soldado de infantería Juan Pérez. Con la promesa hecha, Julián Pérez regresa a su natal Sinaloa donde reclutará a un comando de elite, destinado a cumplir una misión suicida: viajar a Irak y salvar al soldado Pérez.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
francisco_floresmeyer This movie is called by others as a parody of Saving Private Ryan and it is half true but only by argument. This movie es indeed of the search of a soldier called Perez that is captured in Iraq. But this time is not by a unit from the same army, this private is being rescued by a commando of drug dealers leaded by the older brother of the soldier who is one of the main drug lords of Mexico.This drug lord trying to make amends with his mother offers to rescue his brother that left with US troops to gain a green card. So this man, ignorant as it is believed drug dealers are, assembles a group of commandos with special tactics used to smuggle or protect drugs, so you can imagine how weird these men are. They will help him to travel across Arabian dessert to rescue young Perez. Trough out the journey you'll see many parodies of 80's action movies and the culture of drug dealers in how they talk, act and specially how they dress.So don't expect the same line of humor US movie's have it is Latinamerican humor which is very different. Still is an enjoyable movie
waheim Before "Saving Private Perez" started, six indistinguishable action film previews reminded me of the repetition that comes with American action films, threaded with a slim MacGuffins. There were also two comedy trailers that had weird premises, and an outlandish over-the-top trailer for "Anonymous," a scary Tim Burtonesqe intensity/darkness and whopping Foley. Happily "Saving Private Perez" is over-the-top and outlandish,but in a snarky, straight-forward, perhaps satirical, literal way. If this seems contradictory, it is because this film is having it all ways. And that is its pleasure. It is not a mockery, but a tongue in cheek presentation of a Mexican drug lord's quest to save his USA Marine brother held hostage in Iraq (which is somewhere near Saudia Arabia and Holland). His estranged mother had asked drug lord to bring the brother home (alive). Occasionally funny, the film follows this quest seriously.The drug lord recruits a "Dirty Cinco" and they fly to Turkey and camel into Iraq. Much exaggerated, nothing is driven into the ground (but who can really exaggerate the American action film or one of our recent comedies?). Its exciting moments are balanced with laughs. "Saving Private Perez"'s ancestor is Phillipe DeBroccca's "That Man from Rio," which spoofed the Connery/Bond series, using exotic locations and validating French traits including stubbornness. "Perez" validates the Mexican character and travels as far.Production values (2.35:1 aspect ratio)are unexpectedly good. Camera work includes appropriate long shots and scenes are staged for widescreen without excessive closeups. It's not a smooth film, but neither is "That Man From Rio"--you have to allow both their quirkiness and rough edges(cuts).One pleasure of "Private Perez" is the sense of place, whether LA, a hacienda, rural Mexico, Istanbul or an Arabian desert. You enjoy the space which propels the action. Similar to Brazilia in "That Man from Rio" it intrigues without being a travelogueI haven't seen a desert like this since "Lawrence of Arabia." It is beautiful desolation. At one point, the "heroes," climb out of an oil pipeline, cover themselves in desert dust and remind me of the mole men in "Superman Meets the Molemen." The film offers other references."Saving Private Perez" is an interlude from the dispirited manufactured films that clog our previews. With nonchalance, a joke ever so often, an action sequence here and there, it refreshes us.
Bruce Hammond (lswote) This movie is really surprising because it is filled with clichés to tell a totally original story. It is the story of a Mexican drug lord who takes 5 of the baddest guys he can find to go rescue his brother who is an American soldier missing in Iraq, believed to have been captured by insurgents. It is filled with stereotypes about Mexicans and drug lords yet it is such a fresh story that none of that matters. In fact it adds a lot of tongue in cheek humor to the story because it plays the story off the stereotypes. There is humanity, redemption and a lot humor in this movie and is definitely worth seeing. It is mostly in Spanish with subtitles.
jorgeelfettleia I saw this movie after his third week at first place in the Mexico's box office, even over all Hollywood releases. Let's not waste more time to say it: "Salvando al soldado Pérez" is a great comedy, spectacular, kitsch, strange, funny, a very different movie that the ones we are used to saw from Mexican cinema. I mean, it happens in Irak!!!! They go to Turkey, the have an adventure, there's no sign of the same loser-goes-loser cliché of so many Mexican movies, no, in "Salvando al soldado Pérez" we mexicans are heroes, are compadres and are very funny adventurers. I had a great time in the theater. I only have one doubt: where the hell is Irak? I love the answer to this that the main character gives to one of his friends in a scene of the movie, jajajajajajajaja