| 01 November 2015 (USA)
Savageland Trailers

When a small town near the Arizona-Mexico border is wiped out overnight, suspicion falls on the lone survivor. But a roll of photos the survivor took that night tells a different story.

Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
ChampDavSlim The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
beebeedoo Cruising through my Fire TV; thought I'd give this one a try. Whoa! Kept my interests, no fast forwarding needed due to lengthy dialogue. All of the actors did great jobs, especially the survivor. Law enforcement portrayals were funny, though rang true in some places. Photos were creepy, especially the one with the little girl. Appreciate that there was no conclusion as to what really happened. The survivor ended up being a folk hero at the end. Recommending to my sister, another horror lover!
suprchunk I'm not sure how this one is getting such rave reviews? The idea is sound, but the delivery is very poor. The makers seemingly want the viewer to come to their own conclusion, but are heavily biased to what is really happening. No speculation by any of the characters at all. Even when faced with the same photographic "evidence" that we are shown ad nauseam. If we are to interpret this on are own we are given very little choice to do so. Especially with the horrible ending that tries to tidy it up, only giving more bias to what is never spoken about.
dawndhamilton I will warn you before I include anything that could spoil the plot for you, so read on without worry:SAVAGELAND is a convincing and effective documentary style horror movie with some fantastic twists, quietly infused political commentary, and a high creep factor. The entire population of a small southern border town is discovered brutally murdered, with the exception of one man: an illegal immigrant with a reputation for being a drifter with the questionable past-time of taking photographs picturing dead animals and a particular young girl. The local authorities and citizens of neighboring towns immediately jump to what might seem an obvious conclusion (depending on your beliefs about undocumented migrants and their tendency to commit violence.) that the man is clearly guilty of this horrific mass murder. But when a roll of film shot that night is discovered it points to events no one seems willing to accept.SAVAGELAND does not fit the standard "horror movie" mold; aside from the many bloody crime scene photos, there is no violence, but that's much of what makes it so great- it's an engrossing, slowly unfolding, undeniably creepy story about the events that may or may not have taken place that night.I am a seasoned horror fan who has grown tired of the same lame plot line they feed us over and over ad nauseum... "A group of teens/college students/friends spend the night in a cabin/an abandoned mental hospital/the woods. They party/have sex/take showers until they're picked off one by one by a ghost/monster/madman." SAVAGELAND gives you a much better story than that, if you can live without the boobs and gore.In closing, I recommend that you DO NOT read the other reviews here, they unintentionally ruined big parts of the story for me, and I wonder how much better it could have been if I had gone in clueless.NOW FOR THE SPOILERS (LOOK AWAY!):Wow! What clever twists in this movie! I love how slowly you begin to question who or what the real killers might be. I also want to give HUGE props to the writers for subtly revealing that the writer- who you assumed had figured out the truth- actually blamed the KKK. Everybody in the movie accused the wrong people: people that they already had a bias against... I can see this actually happening in the US as we are now (sadly) the zombies take out an entire town and we all stand around pointing fingers at each other. WELL DONE!
airsnob Yeah so I rented this after I read the reviews and I'm kinda bummed I did. It wasn't terrible but not worth the $5. Basically this is a documentary style movie about a town invaded by zombies (?) and it has some social commentary about the racism against immigrants, and the failure of our judicial system in cases that people want an easy scapegoat , and are too lazy to think outside the box . It's not a bad film. But it's also not a horror movie . There is no scary parts. There is nothing here except the subject matter and the loose assumption we come to about zombies, but even that is not entirely clear. So my suggesting is to rent another movie called "The Girl with all the Gifts" which is worth the price of a rental at least and wait to watch this one for free, or support independent film and watch it. It's interesting , it's just not a horror or a zombie film, which is what it's marketed as.. so that's the main problem. They should have marketed it properly and it would be more worth it, and not as disappointing. The acting is pretty good with the exception of the truck driver and a few of the other smaller parts .. with this style movie, the acting has to be top notch to make it truly believable . I thought they could have made this really really good. With more detailed photographs and more footage of the massacre and also not really ever having a conclusion made it worse than it had to be. I kept expecting the zombies or whatever they were ( we never find out for sure ) to attack another town. I was really waiting for that radio host to get eaten. I think that would have made this so much better. Have all the jerks that thought he killed them all get attacked and the documentary crew start filming that, the new attacks and then re-evaluating the verdict and all that. I guess this way is more realistic but who wants too much reality when it's boring and frustrating,right? I mean , this is why we watch movies. To escape the crap of the USA.