Satan's Mistress
Satan's Mistress
R | 01 June 1982 (USA)
Satan's Mistress Trailers

A woman in an unhappy marriage finds sexual fulfillment in her relationship with a ghostly, speechless presence who, obviously, doesn't quite say who he is.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
artpf Horror movie about a frustrated housewife who begins having nightly trysts with a tall, dark stranger who turns out to be a ghost from the other side. Thus begins her descent into dementia, as she begins to distance herself even further from her husband and kids while painting portraits of her enigmatic new lover. OK so this movie stars an extraordinarily hot Lana Wood and Brit Ekland before either hit the wall. Sex starved Lana Wood cuts quite the figure and is naked from frame one. So what could go wrong?Well, turns out, plenty.Even tho Lana is the hottest MILF on the planet, and it's actually hard to believe she plays a mother in this movie, the story sort of sucks. It's hard to believe her husband turns her down sexually when she is so willing and so perfectly do-able. He's gotta be gay.The special effect were better in George Meles Trip to the moon, but jeepers Lana nudity keeps you watching as she has demon orgasm after demon orgasm.
lazarillo A lonely and neglected housewife (Lana Wood) living in a deserted house on the beach takes a lover. Unfortunately, that lover turns out to be Satan! Her husband and teenage daughter are naturally upset by this turn of events and enlist a family friend (Britt Ekland) who is a spiritual medium and the latter's obnoxious husband to help them out, with disastrous results for everyone involved.This movie kind of resembles both the mainstream film "The Entity" and the X-rated classic "Through the Looking Glass", but it is not as good as either. It is surprisingly low-budget and obscure movie considering that it features two former Bond girls--Lana "Plenty O'Toole" Wood and Britt "Holly Goodnight" Ekland. (okay, not two of the most talented former Bond girls, but still--). A cadaverous John Carradine also makes an appearance (but then he showed up pretty much every time he sensed the distant whir of a film camera). Ekland, very uncharacteristically, keeps her clothes on for the whole movie, but the busty Woods more than makes up for this as she repeatedly scromps naked with the horny demon, moaning ecstatically. The film is not bad, at least before the completely confounding ending, but there are few too many supposedly meaningful shots of the waves crashing onto the beach.Not a good film perhaps, but not deserving of its current obscurity either.
mazgarathag If only the rest of the Bond girls were as dedicated to showing their assets as Lana Wood. I'd been looking for this movie for 14 years, having only remembered just one word of one of the alternate titles. Why has it been on my mind off and on for so long? . . . the best movie nipples of all time! (or at least that's how I remember them - now I have to find a copy!) As I recall, the plot was more or less irrelevant. That's not the point of this kind of exploitation movie at all. Showing some skin in embarrassing situations and leading up to that (or those) points is all that matters. It's not that this was the best skin flick or B film, the value of the movie rides on Lana Wood and I have to respect and admire her for all she was willing to show!
DarthBill Plenty O'Toole... I mean Lana Wood, younger, bustier sister of the late Natalie Wood, plays a woman in an unhappy marriage who starts having a perverse love affair with a tall, dark, handsome stranger who happens to be a minion of hell. Well, at first the Hell-bound minion rapes her, but she later decides she likes it and they start getting it on regularly. After that, some occasionally stylish touches show up in this low budget sexploitation horror film. Film is really nothing more than excuse to show Lana's breasts (probably to distract from the sight of her horribly big hair). What's really disturbing is that this might have actually been based on a true story. Another Bond girl, Britt Eckland, also appears.
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