| 17 December 2006 (USA)
Satanic Trailers

Michelle wakes from an accident with no memory, then she has nightmares and people around her die.

Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
movieman_kev A hodgepodge mess of a film that has no spark, life's and dull and most damningly wastes the talents of not one, but two horror movie mainstays. Jeffrey Combs has a minuscule part, and thus, as wasted on the movie as he is, he gets off lighter then poor Angus Scrimm who has a bigger part in this fiasco. I spent much of the film merely feeling bad for him.Michelle, disfigured from a car accident gets partial amnesia as well as a reconstructed face before going to her new life in a halfway-house where a murder lurks. The twist is so god-awful but it fits with the rest of the movie, if only in that the rest of the film is awful as well.
Coventry One of the most pathetic and deceitful things a movie producer can do is promote his/her crap film by exploiting the name of a famous and extremely popular veteran actor and then subsequently only cast the popular veteran actor in a role that isn't much larger than a cameo appearance. Jeffrey Combs is incredibly popular among horror fans – mainly for his role of the demented Dr. West in the "Re-Animator" films – and he's one of the most regular & prominent actors active in the genre, so linking his name to a new film is guaranteed to attract more viewers. Combs' name is the first on the DVD-cover and the first one to be displayed during the opening credits, yet all together he only appears on screen for approximately three minutes of playtime in total! That's quite frustrating, especially because many people (myself included) probably feared already that "Satanic" would suck tremendously and hoped that Combs' performance would be the only worthwhile element. I just hope this isn't saying anything about Jeffrey Combs' career being in trouble or something. It's easy money, of course, but let's hope his career does not depend on paychecks like this. "Satanic" certainly isn't the worst horror film I ever saw, but it's dreadfully boring and the acting performances are incompetent beyond imagination. The basic concept of the film is somewhat intriguing, and admittedly I was pleasantly surprised by the end-twist, but the low-budget elaboration is very poor and amateurish. Following a disastrous car-accident, Michelle wakes up in a hospital and can't remember a single thing about her past and family situation. She carries around an eerie kind of Ouija-board soon suffers from nightmares in which her dead father comes to ask her bizarre questions regarding events that took place before the accident. Michelle is then moved from the hospital to a home for troubled teenagers where her tainted pas slowly gets unraveled. "Satanic" severely drags in places and none of the characters actually manages to say their lines properly. Especially James Russo and Diane Goldner are both horrible as the obnoxious owners of the Harmony House; the place where Michelle is sent after her treatment at the hospital. There's very little gore and bloodshed on display and most of the murders are incomprehensibly committed off screen. There's some hot female nudity and – as said – the denouement is admirable, but overall "Satanic" nearly isn't good or memorable enough to get a recommendation.
bloodyglass This movie is terrible. The sound effects were also really bad and sounded quite cheap.The acting is so terrible, the father was really cheesy and unconvincing.Dahlia was annoying and didn't fit her character. I can't believe i wasted 1:32 minutes of my life watching this piece of crap. I hope that the director rethinks making another movie. This piece of crap has cheesy camera angles and a terrible lead actress who by the way is hideous which is irrelevant but i still felt it needed to be said. Never again will i watch any movie directed by this awful director.
SlayerCommaThe I agree with the previous poster's assessment of this movie, plus I'd like to say that I don't even have the added interest of seeing some of these other actors that I knew before like she did. This movie was very poorly written and very poorly acted, with cheesy effects (which I usually love) and directing. At one point one of the characters actually refers to a she as a "he" and they either didn't catch it in editing, or just didn't care. Either way, it's truly not worth the time, money or effort to bother renting it, unless you're in a film class or something that watches movies like this on purpose so you can pick apart everything wrong about it.