Sasquatch, the Legend of Bigfoot
Sasquatch, the Legend of Bigfoot
G | 13 February 1976 (USA)
Sasquatch, the Legend of Bigfoot Trailers

Scientists mount an expedition to find a Bigfoot-type creature.

YouHeart I gave it a 7.5 out of 10
ScoobyMint Disappointment for a huge fan!
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Brian T. Whitlock (GOWBTW) Reading about it as a kid, been fascinated as a kid, the legendary creature known as the Sasquatch aka "Bigfoot" has been on my mind for the longest of times. My mother gave me a book about this creature. I would have seen this movie as well. It was kid friendly. In some parts. The moaning sounds of Bigfoot didn't quite scare me back then. But the presence of it made me wonder, will it strike here? King Kong hit New York. This creature lives in the deep woods of the Northwest. His stench could be smelled a mile away. Speaking of New York, there's a photographer who is the biggest skeptic of the bunch. His negativity, and hatred of the outdoor living has been crutch. But after the incident of the cougar and other wildlife, he got to respect the outdoors more. It is very intriguing when they got a shot of Bigfoot in action. It appears that the men aren't here to hunt it, but to understand it. The creature can tear down trees like if they're cardboard figures. A bear doesn't have that strength. It wouldn't last against the Sasquatch! Nowadays, there are these "Bigfoot Hunters" who do anything for money. That's not right. Watch this movie, you be the judge! 4.5 out of 5 stars.
devilsdna this is one of the best docudramas i've ever seen ... it is way ahead of its time and it held my interest even in 2008.the couger attack is well taken considering the lack of special effects and the time the movie was madethe amount of bigfoot shown if just right ... not too much or too little favourite part of the movie is when the sasquatch shrieks ... gave me goosepimples .. haha its a must watch for all bogfoot buffs and for that matter all people who like creature features ...
sol Interesting docudrama of an expedition deep into the virgin wilderness of British Columbia beyond, what the local Indians call, the Peckatoe River into the fabled and mysterious Valley of the Bigfoot. I don't really know for sure if the movie is based on real events but what is undoubtedly the highlight of the docudrama "Sasquatch the legend of Bigfoot"has to be the showing of what is probably the most graphic and convincing piece of evidence of Bigfoots or Sasquatchs existence. The October 20, 1967 Roger Patterson 16mm home-movie of a Bigfoot walking along the heavily wooded Bluff Creek Valley in Northern California that has never been dis-proved to be anything other then what's it's said to be: an authentic flesh and blood Sasquatch.Since Paterson's death in 1972 a man named Bob Heironimus has come forwarded saying that it was him in a gorilla suit, that Patterson supposedly paid for, not a so-called Sasquatch that's really in that famous movie, to the delight of the many skeptics who for years have been unable to disprove that the film is a fake. All we have is Heironimus' word without any proof whatsoever. Heironimus did put on a gorilla suit in his attempt to show how he faked the distinct and very difficult if not impossible walk,that even the best Hollywood stunt-men couldn't duplicate, that the Sasquacth had in the film but it doesn't faintly correspond to the Patterson movie. There's no explanation from him, as well as the vast army of anti-Bigfoot skeptics, at all in how he could have made a number of footprints that had to have been made by someone weighing at least 800 pounds which were discovered at the sight just after the Patterson movie was filmed?The movie "Sasquatch: legend of Bigfoot" has a group of people involved in finding and if possible capturing a Bgfoot, or Sasquatch, lead by Chuck Evens and his Indian guide Techka Blackhawk. The group travels some 300 miles into Bigfoot country which takes over four months. The expedition suffers a number of near-fatal attacks by mountain lions or pumas and grizzly bears, as well as running into a number of annoying and dangerous mosquito infestations, along the way to reach what is called by the native Indians the Meadow of the Three Valleys, Bigfoot Country. It's there where they make camp setting up an electric barrier of trip wires to alert Evens' & Co. if any Bigfoot had penetrated the woods around the perimeter of their campsite.The Bigfoots who up until then were doing everything that they could to avoid the members of the Evens' Expeditionery team suddenly came out into the open after their home grounds were violated and invaded. In the dead of night the Bigfoots attacked the campsite with rocks boulders tree branches as well as with their brute strength demolishing it and wounding a number of the campers. The Bigfoots attack on the camp was so effective that the expeditionary team that had marksmen assigned to it didn't even have a chance to bring down even one of them with either a tranquilizer gun or rifle with live ammunition.Were told at the end of the movie that there will be other expeditionary teams sent into the uncharted wilderness beyond the Peckatoe River in the years to come to capture and bring back, dead or alive, a Bigfoot. Now with almost 30 years having gone by since the movie was made, in 1977, there's still no news of a Bigfoot being either captured alive or shot and killed by any of the latter groups of Bigfoot hunters who traveled into the wilds of British Columbia in order to find one.Interesting movie that has recently been re-released on DVD with a number of new and updated features, that includes the two Bigfoot-like movies "Snowbeast" and "The Snow Creature". The film will more then ever keep the controversy alive of the existence of a gigantic man-like, 10 foot tall 1,000 pound, humanoid or gorilla being on the loose in the dense and uncharted forests in the great American and Canadian North-West.
Vincent Apparently there were a great many folks who thought this flick was a legit documentary and were disappointed when they discovered it was not. Merely a fictitious yarn put forth by B actors, retelling old wivestales about bigfoot. For example, (the supposedly), old mountain man, looks about as comfortable sitting on a mule as a Java caveman would look sitting on a Suzuki. But there are stunning views of the Pacific Northwest wilderness and the mountain lion attack is well done considering the lack of special effects.In truth, there are very few chills and thrills even with strange, compelling music that unfailingly announces the imminent appearance of the Hairy One.