Sars Wars: Bangkok Zombie Crisis
Sars Wars: Bangkok Zombie Crisis
| 16 December 2004 (USA)
Sars Wars: Bangkok Zombie Crisis Trailers

In the wake of a deadly SARS outbreak that's turned ordinary folks into flesh-eating zombies, Thailand stands alone as the only nation to block the pandemic. That is, until the virus finds its way into a crowded Bangkok apartment complex.

Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
TheExpatriate700 I saw the preview of this film on a Hong Kong film I rented, and thought it looked fantastic. Insane superheroes, zombies, giant snakes, what could be better. Unfortunately, when I was finally able to track the film down, it turned out to be something of a disappointment, as almost all of the funniest parts were in the trailer.The main issue is that there are far too few funny moments to justify a ninety-five minute movie. Most of the real laughs come on the all too rare occasions when they break the fourth wall. Many of the other jokes are spoofs of eight or nine year old movies that now come across as dated. The action / horror scenes are nowhere near scary enough, (and have too bad special effects) to stand by themselves. Virtually the only reason to actually rent the film is for the attractive Thai actresses.
dbborroughs Thai comedy can be painfully funny. There is often a sense that anything goes so long as it gets a laugh, the result is wild crazy out of left field quality that is totally endearing. A perfect example of this is this movie.The plot has a mutation of the Sars virus that turns people into flesh eating zombies getting loose in an apartment complex in Bangkok. The zombies present complications for a kidnapped girl and her rescuers who are trying to flee the building.Bloody, over the top and very silly this is the sort of knowing comedy that more often than not fails to work in other films. Here the balance between blood and laughs if finely balanced, or at least piled on so thick that there is enough good stuff with the bad that you can't help but find something to laugh at. From references to the George Romero zombie films, Star Wars to martial arts spectaculars and Italian horror films this is a movie that steals from the best and puts it all together into a gumbo of entertaining proportions.Its not perfect, there's often too much going on, and the filmmakers don't always feel the need to have the film make sense, but its an enjoyable romp for those who can take the blood and body parts.
mamamiasweetpeaches My husband brought this movie home the other day and I assumed it was going to be an all four on the floor bloodbath with tons of violence and gore. The first 5 minutes of the movie he couldn't get the subtitles to come up in English and I have never been so confused in my life. (The car hits a guy in a bear suit Why????) It took awhile for me to realize that this movie had a comedic silly side. It took me awhile to get into the mix of violence, adventure and goof-ball humor...but only about ten or fifteen minutes and then I found myself laughing and enjoying myself. The story is about a virus called Sars 4 that is going around turning people into zombies. While this is going on a group of not-too-bright bad-asses are trying to kidnap a wealthy man's nubile, school girl daughter. There is a hero-type who is in love with her and trying to get her back. There's also his wise old teacher and a sexy female doctor running around. I know, it's hard for me to explain the plot, because there is so much crammed into the hour and half here that you really must see it for yourself. If you like goofy martial arts revenge flicks like Story Of Ricky and silly zombie spoofs like Shaun Of The Dead this movie is Must See. I can honestly say it's not like anything else I've ever seen!
snipet A Zombie infection spreads due to a mutated version of Sars and a group of kidnappers, health agents and a sword wielding hero are trapped in a building by the government of Thailand to contain the infection.Firstly the zombie action is generally pretty good and gory. The film moves pretty quickly to the point where guys with guns and zombies are having it out with each other. The budget must have been decent because there's no shortage of blood, body parts and exploding heads. There are a couple of zombie variations I wont spoil that are done in cgi though that let things down a bit as the cgi is pretty much on the same level as something you'd expect in Ali McBeal.The major problem though with Sars Wars is the writing is bad. Really really bad. The comedy in Sars Wars is a horrible mishmash of parody, self mockery and 4th wall breaking. Also there isn't a single original element in this film. I mean every zombie movie rips off Dawn of the Dead but... Wild Zero? Anaconda? Anyway If you are zombie movie fan the action is there and you'll have some fun in trying to spot every reference but you'll have a hard time overlooking the terrible humor.