| 31 October 2010 (USA)
Saint Trailers

A horror film that depicts St. Nicholas as a murderous bishop who kidnaps and murders children when there is a full moon on December 5.

Wordiezett So much average
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Nicolas Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
toendranulta I watched this movie when got interested in Christmas horrors. Short: it's the worst Christmas horror movie I watched so far. It's stupid, it's flat, it's unfunny, it's not even vulgar. It's not "so bad it's good" it's just absolutely dead stall. It's like Uwe Boll without Uwe Boll. While the Christmas setting is so rich ground for horror/comedy ideas this movie however manages to be so dull. I don't know which is worse: script, actor's play, dialogues or music. But altogether this mix comes as a pathetic cocktail of boredom and damp clichés. The funny thing – it made me interested in other Dick Maas movies, are they that bad too?
AverageStalker I'm not quite sure what to say here. The story is terrible and absurd, and is not funny at all. The acting is horrendous and laughable. The special effects are so bad that a high schooler could probably do better. Plot holes litter the entire film. It is truly difficult to watch more than 20 minutes into this movie. It was free on fearnet so I figured I would give it a chance, but I just wasted 2 hours of my life on this garbage. Maybe the makers intended this to be some sort of comedy, but it isn't funny. At all. I urge you to steer clear of this heap of rubble and watch something else instead- maybe even a documentary. Anything is better than this.
ASouthernHorrorFan So as an ongoing Christmas tradition I have been adding Christmas and Holiday based horror into my routine of baking candies and cookies and gluttony as well as classic Christmas cartoons. Well last night I sat down and watched Dick Maas' "Sint". Here is what I thought of the film.A fricking great story of Sinterklauss like never before! The whole celebration period around Dec. 5th tradition of having towns people dress as St. Nick and "Black Pete" a character that would never fly in American culture! Black Pete is basically white people in black face traipsing around town creating tom foolery as they accompany Saint Nicholas.Now here is were things get scary (Major Spoilers … ) This saint isn't as much as a savior as he is a demonic carnivore bend on raising a bloody holy apocalypse on the poor city of Amsterdam. He is undead, cursed and out for vengeance and you better lock your f*cking doors and cement in your fireplace and learn to slow your breathing to near death rates! He will get you and your children.I can honestly say that this story held my attention the entire time, well there was a brief moment when dear ole Nick was m.i.a in the film and it was more of a "find the bomber" type situation but very minimal amount of time. Soon the carnage began again. Oh and this slayer is very non discriminant in who he kills = Adults, teens and yes there is the splatter and screams of little children. "Sint" offers a very equal opportunity slayerific experience.The story was common as any other holiday horror. Promiscuous youths, urban legend and set ups familiar to any horror film. This film however is in the middle of a very active and modern city of the world and has moments were it is more like a "Mission Impossible" film than a slaughter film. Very reminiscent of when Jason took Manhattan. Some go almost unnoticed by the evil saint while others seem to be dead in his sites at all cost.This is a really good holiday film that offers more to any horror fans Christmas tradition. So if a Saint Nicholas eating and killing children and terrorizing town folk is right up your Evil Santa and Krampus parade filled affair then check this film out. However be warned your options are this – subtitled or dubbed in English. I chose the dubbed but think I would have experienced it more intensely in subtitle form.
Paul Magne Haakonsen I must say that it was with some excitement that I sat down to watch "Saint", because the cover looked so cool, and what I had read about the movie seemed promising as well.The whole twisted concept about Saint Niklas (yeah, I am going with the Dutch spelling here) in this movie was so bizarre and I loved that. It was really a good twist on a story that we all know and most of us love. And the story was well inked out on the screen.However, now having seen the movie I am left here with a somewhat hollow feeling, was that really it? It seemed like this movie wanted to do so much more, but restrictions were put on the director. The movie never really got to unfold its true potential. I, personally, was disappointed that you didn't get to see more of Saint Niklas, and when you did, it wasn't long enough shots. I would have loved to see more of him up close and personal, because the make-up looked really good. And also there was far too few deaths shown in the movie. It was like the director had to restrict himself to make the movie reach out to a bigger audience.Despite being in Dutch language, do not let that be a hindrance to watching the movie, and despite its shortcomings, "Saint" is an rather enjoyable movie. I just found it a shame that the movie didn't manage to acquire more than it did.The acting in the movie is good, and not being overly familiar with Dutch movies and TVs prior to this, then it was all new faces to me, and that was a glad chance of scenery.For a horror movie, "Saint" is fairly tame, and there are far better scare flicks out there. I think "Saint" is the type of movie that appeals to us that want a little bit more twisted and bizarre out of the whole Saint Niklas legend.