Run for the Sun
Run for the Sun
| 30 July 1956 (USA)
Run for the Sun Trailers

Mike, a Hemingway-esque adventure novelist, is spending his days in a self-imposed exile somewhere in Central America. A reporter for Sight Magazine, Katie, has tracked him down in the hope of getting the biggest scoop of her career. Mike falls for Katie. On a flight to Mexico City, their plane crashes near a remote hideaway of Nazi war criminals in hiding. The Nazis want to stay hidden and plan to dispose of their new guests

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
hoyacritic An implausible story, but a great romantic adventure nonetheless.Starring Richard Widmark, very good as the Roman a Clef Hemingway, one of Widmark's best performances IMO, except for those roles that involved wheelchairs, and Jane Greer, as the tenacious journalist/love interest.And Nazis too: Trevor Howard, one of my favorites, as a fictitious Lord Haw Haw, very sinister, getting his comeuppance, and other Nazis too.Widmark, Greer, and Howard are all excellent.It's a very exciting and entertaining film, if you're willing to suspend disbelief.Definitely worth watching.
sol ***SPOILERS*** Trying to track down famous American novelist Mike Latimer,Richard Widmark, who dropped out of sight fives years ago Sight Magazine investigative reporter Katie Connors, Jane Greer, finds Latimer at this Mexican fishing village San Marcos out, what else, fishing. It doesn't take long for Latimer to figure out that Katie isn't just there for the scenery or fish since she tells him she doesn't know squat about fishing and is not at all interested in the sport! Agreeing to fly Katie back to Mexico City, when her fishing party failed to arrive in town, where she can catch a plane back to the states Latimer's plane crash lands in the Mexican jungle where he and Katie are rescued by British explorer Browne, Trevor Howard, and his friend Dutch archaeologist Dr. Van Anders, Peter Van Eyck.It's not that long that we find out that both Browne & Van Anders are fugitive Nazi war criminals, Browne being a traitor to his country as well, on the run from justice. The film really takes off together with Latimer and Katie when the two find out who Bowne & Van Anders really are and try to flee on foot through the swamps and woods to get to Latimer's plane that the two Nazis had hidden deep in the Mexican jungle! Exciting man and woman on the run film with a really well though out ending in Latimer finishing off Browne, without the use of a rifle, with the very bullet that was meant for him when he was a war corespondent with the US paratroopers on D-Day! As for Nazi fugitive Van Anders he got his the hard way by being chopped up by Latimer's plane's motor blades when he, in typical Nazi superman macho fashion, single handedly tried to prevent Latier and Katie from escaping. P.S Actress Jane Green didn't know it at the time but she contracted a rare and near fatal tropical disease when she was filmed together with co-star Richard Widmark wading through the dirty and incest infected swamp water in the movie. It was years later after she discovered that she had it that Greer was treated for her illness which ended up saving her life.
samhill5215 It's hard for me to believe that this film has rated as low as it has. I found it an exciting, spellbinding and visually engrossing update of Richard Connell's short story "The Most Dagnerous Game". Having seen the original with Joel McCrea and Fay Wray this is clearly not a remake. The storyline is updated to a post WWII scenario replete with a British turncoat and Nazi fugitives in Mexico. But the basic concept of hunting down humans is intact. Both sides of the conflict are dealt with in an intelligent and even sensitive manner. The characters are all believable and their motives clearly enunciated. This is clearly not a simpleminded adventure but one dealing with complex human emotions. Much of the film's success is due to the three headliners, Richard Widmark, Trevor Howard and Jane Greer who perform admirably. All in all, highly recommended. Run out and get it, you'll spend a very enjoyable hour and a half.
bkoganbing Richard Widmark, a Hemingway type writer who craves the solitude of J.D. Salinger, is found in an obscure Mexican village by Jane Greer. Jane's a reporter for a tattletale magazine, but Widmark doesn't find this out till they've started kanoodling. He offers to fly her back to Mexico City. While enroute they go off course and crash in the jungle. They come upon an Englishman and a Dutch archaeologist, so they say. In reality it's a diplomat who was a member of the pro-Nazi Cliveden set and who defected during World War II. The Dutchman with him is really a former Wehrmacht high officer and his brother-in-law.Trevor Howard and Peter Van Eyck don't want word of their secret to get out so Widmark and Greer have to die. Now starts the chase through the jungle like The Most Dangerous Game.Of course this is a remake of that film, but the characters are a bit more complex. Widmark's an alcoholic writer who craves his privacy as much as Howard and Van Eyck do. Greer's a reporter who's gone after Widmark's story and now has an even bigger one potentially. In the original film it was more of a morality play. Joel McCrea and Leslie Banks were certainly classical hero and villain respectively and Fay Wray was not the independent woman that Greer is.Still this is a good remake helped a lot by the outdoor locations instead of RKO's backlot jungle.