| 28 January 2004 (USA)
RRRrrrr!!! Trailers

In 35,000 BC, the tribe of the Dirty Hairs is at war against the tribe of the Clean Hairs for eight hundred years, trying to get their shampoo. The chief of the Dirty Hairs sends his daughter Guy disguised to the enemy tribe to get some shampoo for his tribe. When the healer of the Clean Hairs tribe surprisingly kills two cavemen of his tribe, their imbecile chief assigns Pierre with curled hair and Pierre blonde to investigate the murder and find the criminal.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
gridoon2018 For the first 15 minutes or so, "RRRrrrr!!!" feels fresh. Then you start to realize that most of its jokes are variations on the same joke: prehistoric people doing anachronistically modern things. It could have played around more with the "whodunit" aspect, but it refuses to do so - it shows you the murderer right at the moment of the murder. The film looks good, it has clever moments and at least one inspiredly surreal sequence (hint: supermarket), and Elise Larnicol is perfectly deadpan, but the comedy runs out of steam long before the end. Depardieu's participation is little more than an extended cameo. ** out of 4.
Schumius I watched this film on cable last night, I was bored and looking for something to kill the time, but what a seemingly stupid film turned out to be a pretty interesting work which reminded me of our own lives (or probably just that I'm presuming too much). The plot itself is pretty dumb, a 800 year war on shampoo and the history's first murder case. The dirty clan's plots to seize shampoo are downright moronic, but look at ourselves seriously, aren't there many things we do also equally stupid and useless? And about the stupid war, ah, the stupid war...I don't speak french so I don't know how's the quality of the sub, but it did make me laugh, the film itself is funny, the actors, the music, the colours, it's just unreal and that's what makes it funny. The scene in which the camouflaged boss dreamed about the modern world is unbelievably superb. He was stoned, and of course he should be, and looked around with terror while the salesman rattled on without any change of expression like the presence of the strange man dressed in leaves surprised him not (or at least not showing it). The boss then had a recurring nightmare, or a trauma, something that might be subtle, but within all of us.What's so great about this movie is that it parodies many aspect of our lives with seemingly stupid and childish approaches so successfully that I can't help laughing, at ourselves!
misho1988 This movie is one of the most enjoyable movies I have come across. All of the jokes are completely ridiculous, so you can just stop thinking and laugh. After the introduction to the movie, I couldn't stop laughing for over half a minute. Now, if you are the type of person who exclusively likes movies which make you think (some of which are good), you will HATE this movie. If you just want to sit back and laugh at the incredible stupidity of all of the characters, this is the movie to do it with.I watched the movie with subtitles, but having knowledge of French couldn't hurt. From the little French I know, I managed to pick up a few of the jokes missed in translation and laughed at some of the translations.
Jules Arsenault This movie was one of the best French comedies I have ever seen. Alain Chabat is one of my favourite directors, French or English. Although it may be funny to an English speaker watching it with subtitles, I think that to be able to understand every bit of this movie, puns and all, you have to be fluent in French. I speak french myself, and I own the movie. After watching it with the English subtitles, I have noticed that some of the jokes were either badly translated, or impossible to translate (such as "L'âge de Pierre", and everyone being named "Pierre"), exactly like the Austin Powers movies, which were impossible to translate properly to french. I didn't give this movie a 10 because Jean Rochefort and Gérard Depardieu did not have a big enough role. This is really the type of movie where you'll be repeating the jokes over and over again days after you've seen it!