Romantics Anonymous
Romantics Anonymous
| 22 December 2010 (USA)
Romantics Anonymous Trailers

What happens when a man and a woman share a common passion? They fall in love. And this is what happens to Jean-René, the boss of a small chocolate factory, and Angélique, a gifted chocolate maker he has just hired. What occurs when a highly emotional man meets a highly emotional woman? They fall in love, and this is what occurs to Jean-René and Angélique who share the same handicap. But being pathologically timid does not make things easy for them. So whether they will manage to get together, join their solitudes and live happily ever after is a guessing matter.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
GeoPierpont I can relate to being very shy and not wanting to focus any attention on myself. OK , so I was 12 not 35. If I had hiccups or sneezed, the LAST thing I would do is open my mouth as wide as possible to make for the grandest attention getting sound. Well, this is just one of many minor issues that culminated in a large deficit of a sensible plot.I give major kudos to the script and scenes involving the appreciation of chocolate. I rarely eat chocolate, but while traveling in Belgium I ate 2kilos straight up, it was that incredible. Hence, I imagine we are not having access in the States to a delectable treat with many fine layers. C'est Dommage! I was confused with the English translation captions. For example, how does 'Romantic' translate to 'Overly Emotional'? There were many idiomatic phrases eliminated that would have provided an appreciation of unique and refreshing french expressions. The greatly anticipated Secret Chef reveal was about as interesting as watching paint dry. I can't conceive of a Skype call presented in this manner without any initial skepticism. What happened to the Teacher identifying a face he never forgets?? The portrayal of phobias, anxiety and severe shyness in adulthood is a serious concern and should be treated with respect. I only found this film to incite crass humor, even using a support group, to extend the joke. It should not have been the crux of every attempt at humor.The two leads were initially endearing but I grew weary of their continual breakdowns and farcical interactions. The ending provided a beautiful setting but far from a satisfying conclusion.Will recommend for appreciating the fine intricacies of the french language and deep love of chocolate confections. Yumm!!
rps-2 This is a delightful's full of fun and silliness. Even the mandatory "humping scene" is more laughable than lewd. It's a movie that addresses the insecurities we all have had or perhaps still have. And how could anybody not fall in love with Isabelle Carre and her delightful Angelique character. It's a lighter piece or work yet it's not fluff. It addresses some serious social issues but in a delightful entertaining, engaging manner. Watching this and, recently, the splendid TV series "Engagements" (Spiral), I have developed a whole new appreciation of French cinema. In many ways it's better than British work and incomparably ahead of Hollywood's efforts. I dare you not to love this film and the people in it
CountZero313 Angélique (Isabelle Carré) is an expert chocolatier, the woman behind the legendary The Hermit who conquered all in the choco stakes. She is also cripplingly shy, and uses various ploys to hide her true nature. She gets job as a sales rep at a small chocolate makers, and embarks on a haphazard romance with the equally shy Jean-René (Benoît Poelvoorde), her erstwhile boss, all the while saving the company from bankruptcy.The film works because Carré and Poelvoorde are perfectly matched, two hapless souls inadvertently thrown together by the fates. The film does not shock or surprise, instead the satisfaction is in seeing the usual romcom set-ups pulled off with aplomb. A mix-up at the hotel sees the couple go to extremes to avoid sharing a double bed. Once love has been established a farcical car chase ensues to bring all the principals together. A psychiatrist plies Jean-René with cues to reveal his inner thoughts. At one point, he ironically repeats his father's mantra about hoping nothing happens to us. His tears seem genuine and a rare moment of depth in what is shallow but well-executed fun.The only jarring points are when the film tries too hard to be cute, the one song in the middle by Angélique being the example that comes to mind. These points ripple rather than jar, and on the whole this is wholesome, lighthearted fare that will bring a smile to you face.
postmortem-books If you like to come out of the theatre smiling and nodding to your fellow audience in a manner that says "that was a lovely bit of nonsense and all's well with the world" then Romantics Anonymous is the perfect antidote to the Hollywood flash, CGT and emptiness.We all know what the outcome will be more or less from the start but the journey is the thing and for the gentlemen among us there is the beauty of Isabelle Carre to enjoy on the journey. Looking at the other reviews I haven't seen any reference to the director's tip of the hat to Julie Andrews and The Sound of Music in the scene where Angelique dances down the shopping arcade with her samples suitcase.A little gem. Go and see it. You won't be disappointed.