Road to Paradise
Road to Paradise
| 20 July 1930 (USA)
Road to Paradise Trailers

Loretta Young plays dual roles in this 1930 crime drama about a young thief planning to steal jewels from a wealthy socialite.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
blanche-2 "Road to Paradise" is a 1930 film starring Loretta Young in a dual role.Mary Brennan is a lovely young woman who is in with thieves who raised her. One night at a Chinese restaurant, they all spot her lookalike, Margaret Waring, who is very wealthy. The cons decide to go to her house while she's out, using Mary as her double, and rip her off. Of course, things don't go off without a couple of hitches.This film, even though it's short, seems long as it moves slowly. It's a very early sound movie, and the actors hadn't yet perfected the speech rhythms.Loretta Young is luminously beautiful - here, she's about 17 years old. She does a wonderful job of differentiating between the two women as well. Worth seeing for her, not much else.
Michael_Elliott Road to Paradise (1930) ** (out of 4) Incredibly far fetched drama about a young woman (Loretta Young) who helps two criminals rob from her look alike. This is certainly a film you'd have to see to believe because the story is so far fetched that you can never take it serious. The screenwriter made the mistake of making this a drama when it probably would have worked better as a screwball comedy. The ending is so out there you can't help but laugh when it's supposed to be dramatic. Young gives a good performance in her duel role but the rest of the cast is pretty dull. Directed by William Beaudine.
ccthemovieman-1 "I could never understand this desire for respectability. It always seemed kind of morbid to me."So says one of two crooks who raised respectable, honest "Mary Brennan" (Loretta Young) as an orphan girl and can't understand where they went wrong in raising her! Poor Mary, though, winds up out of work and needs something, and winds up joining these guys in a scheme after they discover has an amazing twin, a rich woman named "Margaret Waring" (Young, playing two roles in this movie). These guys also discover that Mary has amazing mind-reading talents.This movie turned out to be disappointing because it got more and more ludicrous as it went on. I found the last 25 minutes extremely frustrating and an insult to anyone's intelligence. There are so many holes in this story it would make your head spin. It reminded me of the old Superman TV series, with one thing after another that had no credibility. Unlike Superman, which was fun to watch for a number of reasons, there was only one thing to keep my interest here: a young and beautiful Young. However, after admiring her looks for about a half hour, I needed the story to make some sense and keep my interest....and this made NO sense. Also, "Mary," who was supposed to be so honest, lied throughout the film. I wonder how Loretta viewed this role in latter years.
crispy_comments Not bad, although the love story is incredibly rushed, and there are some distracting plot holes/contrivances. For instance, when the cop finds out who Jerry 'The Gent' really is, wouldn't he be more suspicious of Mary and her connection to him? After all, she introduced Jerry as "Mr. Jones" and they clearly had a relationship. So, discovering that this guy is a criminal, (and presumably figuring that he's one of the men who broke into Margaret Waring's home), ought to make the cops question Mary/Margaret some more. Does Mary ever learn that Jerry was arrested? I also find it hard to believe that Margaret would wake up with no ill will whatsoever towards the girl who was part of a break-in which led to Margaret getting shot. Okay, fine, sisterly love, I guess. But even harder to swallow, is Margaret's statement that she *knew* she had a twin, and had been searching for her. We saw no evidence of this at the start of the movie - Margaret seems carefree, enjoying her wealth, going to parties, etc - she doesn't behave like someone on a serious mission to find her long-lost sister. Also, it's contrived that Margaret's father supposedly told her to keep the knowledge of Mary's existence, a secret, until she found her. Why? Wouldn't it be easier to locate her sister if she had, oh, I dunno, the *police* and everybody else keeping an eye out for her double? It just doesn't make sense. One more thing, how dumb is it that Mary never once thought to try to open her locket? It didn't occur to her that it *could* be opened. Even though lockets *always* have pictures inside them...I mean, come on.Oddly enough, I find these things more implausible than I do the whole psychic/mind-reading plot device! Having said all that, Loretta Young is charming and fairly natural - she doesn't overact with broad gestures as so many stars did during the rough transition between silent films and talkies. I was impressed by the technical aspects of "Road To Paradise" as well - the variety of camera angles and the trickery employed to have Mary and Margaret in the same shot. Well done, especially for such an early movie.