| 11 March 2016 (USA)
River Trailers

In the south of Laos, an American volunteer doctor becomes a fugitive after he intervenes in the sexual assault of a young woman. When the assailant's body is pulled from the Mekong River, things quickly spiral out of control.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
minh_le I found this movie fairly enjoyable as I went into it with fairly low expectations from what I read on IMDb. The movie does a pretty good job of building suspense through a series of unfortunate events that seem plausible. I found the main actor to be pretty decent and likable, which is important because he's in 90% of the movie. The supporting characters aren't given much film time but that's OK given the nature of the film.A big bonus of the film for me was getting to see the exotic locations of Laos. I like films that can take me to another part of the world and immerse me in the culture of that area. This movie did a great job of that as it really made me feel like a foreigner.The ending is a bit anti-climatic but for the most part, the movie kept me interested up until the end.
Joshua H. "River" is a Laotian film about John Lake, an American doctor working in Laos, who intervenes in the sexual assault of a young woman by an Australian tourist. His efforts of intervening lead to him killing the Australian tourist, being mistakenly accused of sexually assaulting the woman, and having him being a wanted fugitive. The film is directed by first time Canadian director Jamie M. Dagg, who does one hell of a job with this film. The film takes its time to develop the character of John and then throws him in this crazy situation that he mistakenly got himself into. I felt so empathetic towards John because he wanted to do the right thing, and by doing so he accidentally kills a guy and is falsely accused of assaulting a woman. The story is very simple and has been done in many other films before but what makes "River" standout is its realism and Rossif Sutherland's performance as John. Sutherland brings so much energy to this role and does an excellent job being a frantic, scared, and innocent person.As the film continues and John is on the run you later find out who the Australian tourist is related to which adds a new level of extremity to the situation. There's not a lot to say about the film story wise, you have a man on the run and doing what he can to not get arrested for false causes. The performances are great, the direction is great, and the cinematography is overall very well.A couple issues I had with the film is that during some scenes when John is being chased or running the camera is very shaky. And at the last ten or so minutes of the film something is revealed about the situation John's in which causes our character to make an action that didn't sit too well with me. Overall "River" is a wonderful directorial debut for Jamie Dagg, which displays great performances from Rossif Sutherland, and all of the cast as well. I'm looking forward to what this talented young man will do next.
Russ Hog This is a super effective film. It is about a man who is accused of a crime in a foreign country - and his journey to avoid capture. Everywhere the main character goes he runs into danger that he could be caught - and the film is so well paced that it kept me on the edge of my seat.Really the film is about running from responsibility - yet at the same time - there is a murky line between guilt and innocence. It is somewhat similar to the film Midnight Cowboy - not quite as masterfully artistic - but defiantly worth the watch.There is a final reversal in the end of the film that is quite harrowing - and it made me really think about justice and responsibility - and heroism.Solid flick!
drhall-672-138129 The plot is about as real Oriental tense, moral, misunderstanding, desperation, chase scene as I have seen. Sutherland's character, John, is caught in dilemma after attempting to solver another related dilemma in the rescuing of a victim at the hands of an Aussie Gov. son rape victim. The victim wakes up? and mistakenly identifies John as the rapist or politicians son murderer, not perfectly sure as it wasn't quite clear until the movie end. WHICH brings me to the seven star versus Ten Star rating,SPOILER ALERT ... READ NO FURTHERthe ending is just conjecture and after all the gut wrenching, nerve wracked, suspenseful drama deserved to have a few typed lines on the screen regarding his turning away from a lucky change of fate resulting in certain transport back to the safety of the U.But no, John, in order to AGAIN rescue, via testimony, the rape victim who is now pegged as the politician sons murderer jumps bail and buys a ticket back to Laos! We are left to assume the worst for John as the language barrier, chain of events foretell gloom and doom, not at all a happy ending nor is the ending fully fleshed out by any means. Viewer opinion only ... Great Great Movie ... Bad not Terrible Ending. Seven Stars... for full on acting by Sutherland.