R | 31 December 2013 (USA)
Ritual Trailers

A long time ago Tom loved Lovely. They were married and everything was perfect, at least for a little while. But that was then and this is now. Lovely has just killed a man in cold blood after he tried to drug and kidnap her in a motel. She calls Tom to help but now they've found a VHS tape that depicts a satanic ritual in which a woman is murdered. Lovely desperately wants to leave and they do, but Tom forgot his engraved lighter in the room, and when they go back to find it, the dead body appears missing.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
tdeladeriere A former couple (it's all not very clear) wrangles with a Texan satanic cult when the pretty lady offs one of its members in self-defense.The bulk of the action happens in a motel and certainly reminds of the movie of the same name with Kate Beckinsale. The lead actress in this one is not as strong, playing every emotion to the hilt until you can't really make sense of what's actually feeling in the relatively short time span in which the action takes place.This and a stretched-out, unsatisfying ending are the movie's downfall, although it has its moments. The director is one to follow, making the most of the dark, confined spaces and simple, scary set-ups. The lead actor also makes up for his partner, counter-balancing some detestable, macho statements (if the girl was almost raped, that's because she put herself in that position) with humane actions. The movie loses momentum when he's killed by the cult two-thirds of the way. Still, a competent if unachieved time-killer at midnight.
Snaggletooth . You know how DJs do remixes of artists songs and many times these turn out to be better than the original? Well, this movie needs a remix. Buried within Ritual lies a film which probably could have been harrowing and intense, if they'd used much better actors, and much better direction. There were some decent scenes in it, and the use of atmospheric music worked quite well, but many times it just seemed apparent that it could have been improved on....vastly. Of course we have the (now common) 9 and 10 star fake reviews here from people involved with the movie, and hopefully someday we can lose this crap forever on IMDb (I won't hold my breath though). I guess you get better at reading between the lines however to fish out the REAL reviews if you've been around this site for a long time. Ritual isn't a bad movie, but it's not a good movie either. Sometimes it has long, drawn out, parts which seem to sit as padding, other times it jolts from one scene to another. Other scenes make little sense. For example, the main female role is being chased in the dark by two masked men, she hurts her foot, then sits screaming giving away her location. If you were being chased in the dark and managed to evade capture a while, would you then start screaming? Nope, me neither. It's the classic fault of so many horror movies - idiots doing things you would never do in real life.If you want to kill a couple of hours Ritual isn't the worst film out there, once you get past it's slow start. But it just about manages to hold your attention. And for the fake reviewer here who suggested that someone who gave a negative review might be "retarded" that's simply not nice. Most of us review a film honestly, and there are many of us who are very passionate about the horror genre. If you get mixed reviews of a movie you've made - learn from them. Especially if the film is one of your first. Don't attack people because you think you know better. It's the viewer you're pitching to, not yourself. And Ritual showed promise for now. But really it should have been better.
Falks723 The trailer makes this movie look great but honestly it is not worth watching. It is extremely slow throughout the whole entire movie and was difficult to watch due to such bad acting and a boring storyline!! The creepy masks were a good idea but were not used to their full potential. Seriously nothing happens the entire time. The dialogue is really bad too, the characters have the same conversation for extended periods throughout the movie. It might have been a good short film, it could have been all fit in within 15 minutes. Even then the scary sequences aren't scary at all due to the length of time it takes for anything to happen. There needed to be a "falk in the road!"
lotusisaustin This is the most frustrating film I have ever watched. When the plot finally decides to drag it's way to a point, it makes that point multiple times and lingers on every shot just to drive it home. You could easily cut 45 minutes off the beginning and not miss anything crucial to the storyline. Even the transitions crawl at a mind numbing pace. The characters are boring, and unbelievably stupid, the dialog is boring, the title is boring. This isn't the so bad it's good type of film, this is painful to watch. This movie is wasting your time and relishes in it.Oh and the female protagonist's name is Lovely.
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