Rites of Spring
Rites of Spring
| 22 September 2012 (USA)
Rites of Spring Trailers

A ransom scheme turns into a nightmare for a group of kidnappers who become victims of a horrifying secret that must be paid every spring.

Micitype Pretty Good
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Leofwine_draca I'm not sure what the worst thing is about this low budget horror yarn, the script or the directing. The script, I think, although the direction is pretty poor and uninteresting. The problem with RITES OF SPRING is that it's all so predictable, and it has less going on than even the likes of a WRONG TURN sequel.The story tells of a kidnapping gone wrong, as a group of kidnappers attempt to take a rich man's daughter in return for a big ransom. A second storyline sees a couple of young women kidnapped by a creepy old farmer, where they are to become lunch for something terrible living in the basement. Eventually the two plot strands combine in the most predictable way imaginable.There's very little going on here and nothing we haven't seen before. The shocks and twists are very well telegraphed and of the type we've seen countless times. The characters are thinly drawn and the performances completely forgettable. All this has going for it is some half-decent make-up and some okay gore effects, but that's hardly a reason to keep you going; this is barely watchable.
richieandsam RITES OF SPRINGThis film is not great, but not bad either.The main thing I like about this film is the way that there are 2 stories and they don't connect themselves until the second half of the film. The first story is a crime thriller. A group of people break into a wealthy families house and kidnaps their daughter for ransom, but in doing so they murder his wife and also takes the nanny. Whilst hiding out in an abandoned school they have no idea what is yet to come. The second story that is going on is about an old man who kidnaps women and tortures them and feeds them to this creature that he has hidden down in the cellar or him barn.The 2 stories don't collide until later on in the film and I thought this was a nice touch. I enjoyed flicking from one story to the next. It made me wonder how this was going to get connected and it was really well done.The crime story was really harsh and at times I though was a bit brutal, but it all made it better. You did actually start to hate these guys. The horror side of the story was OKish. Nothing really original. We have seen kidnap/torture/monster films like this before numerous times. The deaths and gore were OK, but felt watered down a bit. It would have made it better if we had seen more.When the 2 stories do get together, it was quite well done... but not very realistic. The reaction that the criminals in the school had made me laugh. There is no way these hardened criminals would have reacted the way that they did.The acting was bad! Nobody really did a good job with this. I am fully understanding why these guys have not made it to the big time yet. But they have got further than me so I can't really say too much. haha The movie stars A. J. Bowen, Anessa Ramsey, Sonny Marinelli, Katherine Randolph and James Bartz. They were just not very convincing... they were acting like they belonged in Prisoner Cell Block H or something. Poor.The ending was very disappointing. It felt like there wasn't much build up.. no suspense. It kind of just ended. When the credits started to roll I looked at my partner and said to her "Was that it?". I honestly thought that could have been stretched out a little bit more.The story was good and in general the film was OK, but more originality is what is needed these days in the horror genre... and of course better actors. Not a bad effort though.I will give this film 6 out of 10."Promise me you'll never leave me"For more reviews, please like my Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ordinary-Person-Movie- Reviews/456572047728204?ref=hl
trnjamesbond Now in my headlining title I said "Not bad for a B-movie" But I really don't know what a B-movie is anymore with all the garbage that is in the theatres these days, they is far more worse being released than this film.I think this movie has merit as far as this type of genre goes. The acting is very well done, yes the film is clichéd to death and has a reminiscence of From Dusk Till Dawn, in a small way. But what I mean by this statement is that we have the classic storyline of a guy loosing his job and decides to take the big bosses child for ransom, and this whole ordeal is botched by the people involved it doesn't go so well in the end. Well at the end of the film you will understand what I mean by me saying expected and unexpected avenues....Then we also have the storyline of some hick living out in the middle of nowhere which leads us to both story lines converging into one another.Not bad cinematography at all for the money they had for this small production, the acting was above par with a little bit of twists and turns.I enjoyed watching this film it wasn't that bad as far as these types of films go. I definitely think it is worth a watch and deserves a look, compared to all the remakes and reboots in the theatres's these days it's a good little flick
DarthMaximusRidiculous A cool dual story, with good general suspense (featuring spot on pace and increasing intensity), great leads, a couple surprising twists, good creepy use of a minimalist industrial-orchestral score, wide open back country scenery, well-designed old worn-down sets, a nice lil bit o' gore (with great make-up on close-ups), and an edge-of-your-seat ending!!Above all though: RITES OF SPRING showcases simply *OUTSTANDING* cinematography for its budget and the genre in general, without question. The film is at once simply beautifully lit and very creepily shot, and makes great use of hand-held/steadicam camera work. They also did a fine job on the editing, it flows visually very well. A superb first feature by Padraig Reynolds.A great OnDemand catch for suspense lovers. 9/10