Ripper 2: Letter from Within
Ripper 2: Letter from Within
| 03 August 2004 (USA)
Ripper 2: Letter from Within Trailers

Serial killer Molly Keller, along with a few insane youngsters agrees to be a trail subject for an unconventional experiment. But, the experiment turns unsuccessful and the subjects begin to die.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
TdSmth5 As the intro credits appear, we see photos and news clippings of Jack the Ripper. Then we see a murdered woman on the street and the girl with the knife who did it.In the present, a female mental institution patient is sitting in front of the institutions director. He asks her how she's doing, she lurches forward and slams a letter opener in his neck.Then she wakes up still sitting there. The director tells her they are out of treatment options but he's going to send her to Prague to undergo an unconventional therapy.As soon as she gets there, she gets something implanted in her brain. During the procedure she has visions of the Ripper. When it's over the weird Dr. gives her a tour of the castle and she meets the other patients- a forgettable bunch. During dinner they all attack each other. Oddly enough the castle walls are covered in weapons. The Dr. vaguely explains the procedure and that it will involve sleep and risky actions during sleep but there's no danger because they'll wake her up if things become too dangerous.When the prettiest of the girls goes to bed she sees the ripper. She escapes out the window but slips and hangs for her life. Our girl comes to the rescue but the other girl falls to her death and ends up impaled on the fence. Our girl wakes up and sees the crew trying to resuscitate the "impaled" girl who's sleeping in the next bed. When she wakes up again later the girl is gone and the Dr. tells her she was let go, that treatment wasn't helping her. She of course freaks out, but oddly enough doesn't show an injury she sustained while trying to rescue the other girl.Now all the other kids start seeing the ripper who's after them. The Dr. who can monitor all this through the implants notices that something is wrong, but can't fix it. Our girl notices that the ripper and she are connected and she also notices that she has some type of an influence over the experiment. She'll have to confront the ripper and the Dr. and there's a twist at the end.Ripper 2 unfortunately sets itself in the world of dreams and mental patients, which rarely makes for a satisfying storyline. It's a bit below B-movie level. It doesn't look very good, has too loud sound effects, some cheesy visual effects, a weak cast. The story had potential had it focused more on the ripper rather than on dreams and experiments. But then the ripper angle isn't explained very well either. I did like the ending though because it brings us back to reality. For a horror movie, the death scenes aren't impressive. There should have been more gore. The movie does have some good nudity though, but it too isn't very well filmed. Why this movie needed two directors is a mystery. More should have been done with the setting in Prague. Ripper 2 could have been a decent B-movie but it just doesn't deliver.
Simon Richardson OK, OK this is far from the best horror film out there, and is definitely not as good as the first Ripper film, but its not that bad if you enjoy slasher flicks. Trust me, i've got the 'Horror Channel' here in the UK, and i've seen some very very poor horror films lately to compare this against. Yes the 'virtual reality' part of the plot is a bit stale and the 'twist' ending is one of the oldest around, but very little in the slasher genre is new these days. However the killer looked and sounded cool, and the fact that is was in fact Mollys 'dark side' that was stalking her in virtuality was something new in my book.The worst part of the film was the sex dungeon sequence in the nightclub, even as a bloke, and therefor a fan of T&A, it just seemed stuck on for the sake of it, and could of been heavily edited to fit the plot without coming across as gratuitous. A personal mention goes to actress Myfanwy Waring who unfortunately gets killed early on in the film, as its good to hear a gorgeous Welsh accent in a film.Verdict - If you liked Ripper, and like slasher films, give it a watch (if you can find it) and enjoy it for what it is. 6 out of 10
Claudio Carvalho The director of an asylum offers to the serial killer Molly Keller (Erin Karpluk) a chance to be submitted to a pilot unconventional experiment in Prague, in the Weisser Institute. Molly accepts, and she travels to the clinic, where Dr. Samuel Wiesser (Richard Bremmer) developed a treatment using a virtual world, and Molly and deranged youngsters would be trial subjects. However, something does not work well in the experiment, and when the patients die in their trip, the same happens in the real world. The explanation is a huge twist point in the very end of the story."Ripper 2: Letter from Within" is not so bad as indicated in IMDb User Rating. The ham actor Richard Bremmer is very funny with his horrible acting; there are many beautiful women and breasts; the death scenes, the special effects and the atmosphere are great for a B-movie; and the story has a great plot point in the end that makes a difference. I respect the other viewers' opinion, but I liked this slash movie. My vote is six.Title (Brazil): "Ripper 2"
Dr. Gore *SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT*You know, it's important in B-movies to deliver the B-movie thrills. That should be pretty obvious. Cheap thrills man. That's what it's all about. Some breasts here, a little blood there. "Ripper 2" pretends to give you all of this but then gleefully pulls the rug out from under you.I thought I was watching a movie about a female Jack the Ripper but apparently I was wrong. The filmmakers must have watched "The Matrix" a few dozen times and became infatuated with the concept of make believe worlds. A girl checks into an insane asylum. She thinks she's related to Jack the Ripper. A doctor wants to mess with her mind and screw up the movie. She says yes please. The rest of the movie has her running from a grim reaper-looking maniac, (or is he?), while a lot of nothing happens to people that may not exist.If it all sounds confusing, don't worry. As long as you remember not to watch this movie, you'll have nothing to worry about.
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