Ring of Terror
Ring of Terror
| 01 February 1962 (USA)
Ring of Terror Trailers

A group of medical students undertake some silly and frightening endeavors in order to pledge a fraternity.

GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
talisencrw The only way the so-called 'Ring of Terror' could have been even worse is if it had been hemorrhoidal in nature.When I was in my undergraduate days, I took my girlfriend out for Chinese food, and my fortune cookie read: 'You see the good in everything.' Indeed that was true, and especially in my movie-watching, I try to imagine all of the effort, and the blood, sweat and tears, that goes into a film's gestation. Thankfully, I paid very little for this film (director Paylow's only cinematic feature), and it only took 71 minutes of my time.To its credit, it had an intriguing start, with an eerie atmosphere to its opening credits. But the introduction by the cemetery's custodian, 'R.J. Dobson', (complete with his crazed cat, 'Puma') was the first clue to me that something just wasn't right. But openings like that, with Dobson showing a tombstone, starting to explain how the death at such a young age occurred, then the flashback occurring, at least gave me the false hope that this could be a 'horror anthology', and that no matter how bad a piece was, at least others would come that might be better. But no.This had no credibility in any manner whatsoever. In its depiction of college life, particularly for the medical students (who bizarrely were all male), it was obvious the filmmakers had no idea whatsoever of human nature, or the way that people of that age group interacted. There were no horrific aspects whatsoever, and all of the resoundingly minor attempts at comedy fell disgustingly flat. Any high-school play from the era would have more life. What makes this the second-worst film I have ever seen is that, for all intents and purposes, everyone involved thought they were making something credible, and were giving it their all (nothing could surpass Lena Dunham's 'Tiny Furniture' as the very worst film of all time IMHO). What surprises me is that Paylow would eventually be involved, in different capacities, in two of the very best films of the 70's ('Close Encounters of the Third Kind' and 'The Conversation'). Obviously he was a talented man who, at least in the director's chair for this film, didn't deliver the goods, though by no stretch of the imagination was it his fault alone.
calvinnme I'm going to give this three stars just because it is a rare chance to see what has completely disappeared from this earth - the B film made by the small independent making largely drive-in fare with players so anonymous that you wonder why they bothered giving them names in the film different from their actual names. Actually, I think the credits didn't bother after all.The borrowing from Ed Wood I speak of is an intro - that really drags by the way to the tune of five minutes- and and outro given by a mortuary custodian who recites some stream of consciousness dialogue accompanied by him searching for his cat among the headstones - it reminded me of Criswell in Plan Nine From Outer Space. The custodian finds the cat near the headstone of Lewis Moffett, who died at age 22 according to the engraving. Then starts the flashback of what led to Lewis' demise.Lewis was a medical student who showed no fear, even when fear would be a reasonable reaction. His fellow students take notice, and the medical student fraternity to which he is pledging (medical student fraternity???) comes up with a hazing device that is sure to reveal if Lewis is just faking it or really is fearless.The medical students are not just old - but so mixed in age you'd think someone would notice. They seem to range from 20 to 40 years of age. Their girlfriends are always nagging them about their studies getting in the way of their fun, and there is a very long and lame section about a frat party, a beauty contest, the world's ugliest cupid (in diapers), and tons of footage of overweight students overeating. There is an autopsy, oddly performed at night, where apparently the morgue stripped the John Doe corpse naked but left his gold ring on his finger! I thought the black and white cinematography, score, and atmosphere were quite good and set the right mood for a horror film. What the filmed lacked was a decent script with good dialogue, pacing, and acting. The most natural performance was turned in by Puma, the mortuary director's cat. Watch out for that cat, by the way, he actually plays a relevant part in the plot.
Mark Honhorst The plot for this movie can be described in one very short sentence.(SPOILERS AHEAD,IF ANYONE CARES!!!) A medical student attempts to steal the ring of some dead guy's finger as a practical joke (or something, I don't really remember), gets scared,and dies. The End. I just revealed the entire movie to you, but at least I mentioned that there would be spoilers... I really don't know why anyone would have sat through this movie without MST3K. Or how, for that matter. It's just bad. Really bad. The quality of the Mill Creek 50 pack version is even worse than the quality of the MST3K version. Please, heed my warning. Avoid Ring of Terror at all costs!
Cristi_Ciopron In the context of the '50s there still was a conflict between the already prevailing collectivism and some vestiges of individualism, as discernible in RING OF TERROR under the form of the conflict between the novice _dissectionist and 'them', those who segregate him. In RING OF TERROR, the geek still represents an affirmative element, an element of positivity.Another merit of the script is that it makes the fraternity initiations looks as idiot as they are.The beauty contest scene is nice, when the fatty is forbidden by his colleagues in the jury to designate the 'superficial qualities' of his plump sweetheart.Otherwise, the movie is very bad, with ugly actors and stupid lines.