Riding the Bus with My Sister
Riding the Bus with My Sister
| 01 May 2005 (USA)
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A woman spends time with her developmental disabled sister after the death of their father.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
ppmharley First off I have raised two mentally challenged children and Rosie's portrayal is not far off from what some of these children act like. My family and I enjoyed this movie a lot and thought all the actresses and actors did well with what they had.Bob Fingerman- Should be horse wiped by all the people that he's labeling "retards", in his comment. How dare you ! Go back to not believing in anything, because your mind is as lost as your sole. You said it yourself that you now believe in Satan and that's a shame that you'd only believe in the one who destroys. It just shows what kind of a person you really are.If you took the time Bob to work with these type of people, or had raised any of them, you'd know that they are so diverse in how they act, talk, etc. A lot of them are very smart and just because they were born with difficulties, does not mean that you can call them names or down grade them. Seems that you are right among them, in lacking social skills and speaking harsh, because you don't have the knowledge to know that it's not right to speak to people with harshness.It's one thing to judge an actor, or actress, but to put down the person they are portraying is just wrong ! If one day you do get a chance to be blessed to be around one of these mentally challenged people and grow to like or even love them, then my words will come back to you. You will see that even using the word was wrong on your part. Sorry but your post was just a slap in the face to me, because I AM the mother of two of these children and I don't take kind to anyone bashing their problems, because to me? They are the best gift the world could have gotten. They make you slow down and look at life and learn what "real love" is all about. I'm sorry you're missing out on that.
edwagreen If Rosie O'Donnell weren't mired in controversy all the time, she would better be known for being a decent actress. Although she gives an over-the-top performance here, she is credible as a retarded woman forced to come to terms with her life when her father dies suddenly.Andie McDowell plays her beautiful career-oriented photography sister. There is a married brother but he fades from view too quickly.Flashbacks are used effectively here detailing their early lives, where the parents went their separate ways and eventually, the mother left for greener pastures in California.There is a Jewish funeral for the father here but yet the two sisters exchange Christmas presents. Let's get that straight even if they came from a mixed marriage.The film shows how some people can be so cruel to a retarded person. Beth, the O'Donnell character, spends her days riding on the buses and eating constantly. As a result, she appears slovenly as well as talking quite loud. There is a definite constant shrill in O'Donnell's voice and after a while, it becomes annoying.As a result of the father's death, Rachel,(McDowell) must come to grips with her own life as well. Even in the face of cruelty, we see the bus drivers as totally sympathetic characters to Beth.
orindad Anjelica Huston has given enough good acting performances and directed at least one very good film (Bastard out of Carolina), that she can perhaps be forgiven for this. But there is no forgiving Rosie and Andie, who give two of the most godawful performances ever put on film. You'd think Rosie would win the bad acting competition hands-down, since she has the over-the-top, tug-at-your-heartstrings role and plays it with such zero-talent gusto; but, if possible, Andie is worse in that expressionless, monotone, "but she's pretty" way that somehow keeps getting her cast in movies. Unintentional laughs throughout...a real pleasure if you throw out all expectations and just revel in the awfulness.
mollyyywood OK, this movie wasn't the best ever, but I thought it was sweet. If you were, or knew someone that was mentally retarded, you would never say anything like that. This movie was a good movie.This movie had a wonderful plot. A mean girl that learned things about her sister, and herself, just by spending time with her mentally retarded sister after their father died. It was kind of like her (Rosie O'Donald) father was her whole life. Rosie's character's sister, i don't remember her name, was a real mean woman, her boyfriend/fiancé, again i'm not sure which one is right, even left because she was such a witch, in my opinion...Well the woman learned so much and i thought that was special. This movie was good, and those who dis it are rude people that have no respect or taste for a good movie.