Rescue from Gilligan's Island
Rescue from Gilligan's Island
G | 14 October 1978 (USA)
Rescue from Gilligan's Island Trailers

When a decaying Russian satellite crashes on the island, the Professor uses a key component for a barometer. With that device, he learns that a massive wave is going to swamp the island. In desperation, the castaways lash their huts together into one structure in order to have any chance to ride the disaster out.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
artpf When a decaying Russian satellite crashes on the island, the Professor uses a key component for a barometer. With that device, he learns that a massive wave is going to swamp the island. In desperation, the castaways lash their huts together into one structure in order to have any chance to ride the disaster out. The wave strikes the island and the hut is swept out to sea. Once there, Gilligan accidents starts a fire trying to cook a meal and nearly burns the floating hut down. Occupied with stopping the fire, the gang fails to notice that the smoke caught the attention of a naval helicopter who summoned a ship to rescue the castaways. In triumph, they return to Hawaii, only to learn that things have changed over the years and they will have trouble fitting in. To further complicate matters, two Russian spies are after that the key component that Gilligan now wears as necklace.I loved Gilligan's Island as a kid. This feature falls short on lots of levels. First and foremost, no Tina Louise who really makes the character of Ginger. The new Ginger is absolutely horrible. Then there is the incessant filler to make this a feature film. It's a half hour show expanded by three times with filler material. Then there is the fact that the actors are just walking through their parts. They lost the spark of the TV show.But there IS Dawn Welles, who is hot as ever.
Damon Fordham My friends, I thought "Gilligan's Island" was one of the stupidest shows of all time even as a kid. But back in the 70s, we only had 4 channels and not much else to do after we played and did our homework after school and you were too young to go out. So we didn't have much choice other than to watch tripe like this.Anyway, I recall watching some of this particular flick back in the 8th grade in 1978. I think I fell asleep around the time Thurston Howell orders some cigars from a man who is supposed to be Fidel Castro. Anyway, this was on a $3.99 DVD set at the grocery store with other public domain comedy films, so I said, "Why Not?" Now I know the answer to that last question. This was about every bit as dumb as the TV show, mixed in with topical 1970s humor about Jimmy Carter, Star Wars, Watergate, the Castro gag mentioned earlier, etc. along with Gilligan and the Skipper's poor man's Laurel and Hardy antics redux. About 20 minutes before the film ends, you can already figure out what's going to happen. You see, the late 70s was no golden age of TV comedy ("Hello Larry," "Sugar Time," and"Blansky's Beauties" anyone?) HOWEVER, there is one redeeming value of this that kept me from doing the Frisbee thing with this DVD (and from giving it only 1 star). This film did more than any original episode to show the way the characters (and the real actors, in a way) really cared about each other. I was actually touched of how each time the castaways back in civilization ran into those who wanted to exploit them individually, they stood together in each case as a united front. (This concern actually extended to real life as a very sick Jim Backus reprised his role in a later GI film out of friendship for the cast).So if you want a good movie, this ain't it. But if you want to see an interesting look at what real friendship is all about, this might help.
garyldibert TITLE: RESCUE FROM GILLIGAN'S ISLAND was shown on TV on October 14 1978 and it will take you 95 minutes to watch this movie. Rescue From Gilligan's Island is a two-part television movie that continues the adventures of the shipwrecked castaways from the 1964-1967 TV series Gilligan's Island starring Bob Denver, Alan Hale Jr., and Jim Backus. The film first aired on NBC October 14 and October 21, 1978. It was directed by Leslie Martinson. It has fallen in the public domain.SUMMARY: The movie begins when a satellite belonging to the U.S.S.R. experiences technical problems and is almost about to break apart. The scientists on the satellite dispose of a disc containing important information. Seconds later, the satellite blows up. The movie then picks up 15 years after the shipwreck of the S. S. Minnow stranded the crew and passengers on Gilligan's Island. After 15 years, little of their original possessions are left. Even their radio has finally broken down due to age. The metal recording disk from the Soviet satellite is lost and lands in the lagoon. Gilligan finds it and shows it to the professor. Realizing that the unique alloy can be used to make a barometer, the professor quickly realizes that a tidal wave is on the way, which will destroy the island. Quickly the castaways make plans to reinforce one of the huts to take shelter. When the castaways awaken the next morning, they realize that the hut has been swept off the island and is now a makeshift raft. They use clothes and make a sail, and try to make their way to land. In an attempt to make a meal, Gilligan makes a fire, which spreads to the raft. At first, angry with Gilligan for doing another one of his stupid stunts, the castaways are then grateful when the United States Coast Guard spots the smoke and rescues them. After being towed to Hawaii, the castaways are at first confused by modern life. They are informed that the President is now Jimmy Carter, and that they had missed the presidencies of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. They quickly part however, to try to return to life, as they knew it before the shipwreck. However, they agree to go on a cruise for the holidays. At this time, the Soviets discover that Gilligan is still in possession of the recording disk from their satellite. Determined to recover it, they send two spies to try to get it from Gilligan, by any means necessary. The Skipper and Gilligan are next seen hard at work, refurbishing the S. S. Minnow II. However, the insurance company informs them that they will not be able to get a settlement unless their former passengers sign a statement testifying that the Skipper was not responsible for the shipwreck.QUESTIONS: Who did the skipper find first? Who did the Skipper go to see next? Who was the next person that the Skipper had to find? Who was the final person that the Skipper had to find? Why did the Skipper have to find these people? MY THOUGHTS: I didn't think that this was as good as the regular show. The movie definitely misses the talent of Tina Louise. She played the role of Ginger far better and she was a lot better to look at also. The comedy part of this movie wasn't that funny either. Therefore, with that in mind I give this picture only 6 star because it wasn't as funny as the original show.
stalzz64 Yet another poor tape-to-DVD transfer done 'on the cheap'!! There are several companies selling this 1978 TV film, because Sherwood Schwartz, the 'GILLIGAN' creator obviously doesn't retain the copyright to this Gilligan project! I'm glad to finally see this reunion TV movie on DVD, but damn, the quality is poor! Yes, it's obviously poorly edited, and I dunno what the deal was to get to show this on DVD! They obviously don't care about the quality! OK,.... so it only cost me a dollar!!!! I'm so glad the Gilligan series is finally seeing an 'official' release on DVD!!!! It's an old favorite of mine! I have found several TV episodes/old TV movies/theatrical films for 1 dollar on DVD, and it's cool to have them even if the quality stinks, but....Again, why must we endure this assembly line garbage DVD quality? I feel badly for the producers and artists of the original works. They got ripped off because somebody didn't think these TV shows/TV Movies/Movies were good enough to retain the copyrights so we could see a decent DVD copy of 'em!!!!Oh well....So goes the usual money grubbing in the entertainment business!!!! There is a disturbing trend amongst the 'quickie' DVD manufacturers, and it kinda stinks! They obtain use/rights of old TV shows/movies that have expired copyrights, and then transfer them to DVD's and sell them for next to nothing! I bought it for a dollar brand new!