Requiem for a Vampire
Requiem for a Vampire
| 22 April 2006 (USA)
Requiem for a Vampire Trailers

An incestuous and industrious pair of modern-day vampires finds their clever manner of acquiring sustenance threatened by a nosy New Jersey health inspector and a determined investigative reporter in director John Orrichio's sexualized tale of life among the undead. The LeGaults know well that to stalk the streets for prey is to leave themselves open to exposure. Instead of seeking out blood the old-fashioned way, the LeGaults opt to open a blood donation center that will provide them with the nourishment they need to survive without the risks that go along with using their fangs. A New Jersey health inspector named Jerry is on to them, though, and along with a little help from intrepid reporter Phyllis, he soon prepares to rip the lid off of the LeGault's bizarre scam. When a chance encounter with two students of the occult reveals the true motivation behind the LeGaults' philanthropic front...

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
staircaseproductions A really good friend of mine had this film and we watched it. I am really not into independent films, but I thought this film was really good. I was very impressed by the film's quality and acting performances. I thoroughly enjoyed watching Requiem for a Vampire. It's a shame that they don't make mainstream films like this. The performance I liked particularly was the performance of reporter Phyllis Cooney. Her character was interesting. I wish I could have seen her death on screen as opposed to just hearing about it. I hope more people get a chance to see this film. The storyline, the actual film's quality and the acting are really good. If you get a chance to check it out, it is well worth the time.
jb492 I don't know how many of you are familiar with the Underground Horror series from Alpha New Cinema, but it's pretty much awesome. They sell a bunch of independently made horror flicks that probably wouldn't normally be released, and it pays off. Some of the films they distribute are nearly brilliant, showing and saying the things that big studio releases don't have the balls to show or say. Requiem for a Vampire is one of those films.The story is something that I'd never heard of before and something that I don't expect anyone to tackle again anytime soon. At least they shouldn't, because the director (I think his name's Orricho) does it so well and produces what should be the one and only vampire-AIDS story. I know, it sounds weird right... that's what I thought too while I was watching it, but the director pulls off the strange material nicely. In addition, there's an excellent kill scene in which a girl vamp eats a guy alive and splatters his blood all over an alley wall. And if it's the sex you're looking for, this movie sure delivers; we see lingering shots of at least three fully naked women, and there's even a little something for those of the "other persuasion" in a bizarre, graphic (though not nude) gay sex scene.The bottom line is that Requiem delivers when viewed purely as some awesome B-movie entertainment. You got the gore, the kills, the sex, the boobs, and even a crucifixion. It's a good time, I definitely suggest buying it.
DrSueli Requiem for a Vampire is a great film! The sexual scenes are passionate and effectively reveal the salacious nature of the vampires. Yet, in addition to the sexy bodies and amorous situations, the underlying plot is interesting and engaging. The filmmakers address issues of love, family loyalties, betrayal, social class, sexuality, feminism and power. From the first scene I was drawn into the plot. I immediately empathized with the lead vampires (male and female), and I was intrigued by their efforts to lead a secret life trying to be "normal" and loving each other while at the same time they were dealing with deep dark secrets. Once you start watching you will be drawn into the erotic underground world of the vampires. The film is visually creative with the vampires cavorting in NY City, mansions, and nightclubs. It is also an intelligent film that mixes eroticism and mystery with thoughtful commentary on social issues. This is not the usual vampire movie!
mortgoldstein Although an independent film, the cinematography is very good. It's not your typical Vampire movie. It's more in the keeping of the Ann Rice novels. It takes place in modern times and in all places, New Jersey! You get to take a look inside a Vampire family and see what they must do to survive in these days of forensic science. Director John Orrichio and Producer Karl Petry do a wonderful job on a very low budget. The ending has a twist that you would never anticipate. The music is excellent and deserves its own release on CD. All in all, if you're tired with all the same junk coming out of the major studios, give this a look. You'll enjoy!