| 19 November 2021 (USA)
Repeat Trailers

A zealous cognitive psychologist stumbles across an unbelievable discovery – a way of communicating with the other side. His joy is short-lived, however, as his daughter is put into potentially grave danger and when all leads go cold, he takes matters into his own hands to find out the truth.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.