| 14 October 2014 (USA)
Reminiscence Trailers

There are worlds, there are humans and there are Others. But there is only one Time which is the border between worlds. What if time breaks down? Reminiscence based on true events and physics, telling the story of a couple that trying to experiment the unproved parallel time and black-hole theories. They traveled to a town called Cesme for their research. But what they will face is much beyond the human mind.

Micitype Pretty Good
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Fight_Club_Forever After watching the trailer I was very curious what this movie is going to be like. I saw a lot of reviews here and the rating was high then (7,9). I don't know where to start how bad this was, WOW! The acting was absolutely horrible, especially the leading actress has a lot of trouble speaking English and I don't understand half of what she says. The "scary" scenes are not scary, just dumb scenes with some special make up and no meaning at all. The whole movie is very boring and the pace is very slow. I really regret it, watching the whole movie, thinking that maybe it's going to get better. It just doesn't. So don't waste your time with this piece of crap and be aware that all the reviews giving it a 9 or a 10 are fake. Now I see that lot of people are writing about fake votes on this movie. I have to agree, there is no way this movie was rated 10 every time and still is so high when all the real reviews are giving it a 1 and that is what it deserves. I'm sure that the maker of the movie hacked IMDb somehow to get the rates so high.
Es Vee So, I did what I usually do before I watch a movie. Read reviews, watched the trailer. It all looked so promising. The reviews were either love it or hate it, but since that is often the case with movies (especially in the horror genre i.m.h.o.) I kinda let that go and gave this movie the benefit of the doubt.And then I got to watching the movie. I know I am not the first reviewer to say this but I had to pause in full confusion five minutes into the movie. OK, some reviews were bad, but the rating was still high on IMDb. So I didn't expect such a bad beginning of the movie. And I'll be honest: I thought the ones who said it here before me were exaggerating a little. But they weren't. The movie just doesn't get any better. Lots of feet, lots of beautiful surroundings, no plot, completely unnecessary dialog. And not to be blunt, but absolutely horrible horrible acting. (at least that is one thing that's horror about this movie) I ranked this movie a one out of ten. Why? Because I'm just not watching the horror genre for a movie's best feature to be nice scenery shots. And yes, there are very nice scenery shots. But if I want those, I'll look up some nice scenery shots. And I was looking for a good horror movie.I can say I am one of the troopers that watched this horrible movie to the end. Without dying of boredom. If achieving that is on your bucket list, watch this movie and check it off your list. If not, don't waste your time on it.
J.Jaremico Rowe Firstly I want to say that I really don't understand why some people trying to make this movie looks bad by writing fake negative reviews. Movie has several awards but sure this does not show how good is it. But this peace is really a unique one.Completely new plot that has never used in any movies before. Its sad that its not filmed with very good equipment and big budget but as I read, director did all this movie just from his pocket without any sponsors or additional companies. So this is something that you should respect. We see many big budget movies with very poor content. I very enjoyed the movie, very amazing parts in it. And its so dynamic, always something happens. You sometimes get confuse but later you understand everything. And the end is amazing! I really really never expected a end like that. If you are a horror or a sci-fi fan, please don't care those fake negative reviews and just give a try on this movie. You will be really amazed by this!
shaun newman I was very disappointed with this film after reading good reviews for it.To start its very slow to get going, actors speak very quiet whilst annoying and unnecessary piano music keeps getting played.flits from one scene to another with no contuinity of script or lack of, hard to fathom what the hell is going on and why, Im from old school horrors where they kept you on the edge of your seat (this film did but only cos i was clinging on so not to fall off when falling asleep) some scenes made you think why the hell did he/she just do that and others were just like whatever.If your thinking of making a horror film yourself this is not one that you should try and mimic. Acting poor, storyline poor, scares none, boredom factor 10