Guinea Pig Part 4: Devil Doctor Woman
Guinea Pig Part 4: Devil Doctor Woman
R | 10 September 1986 (USA)
Guinea Pig Part 4: Devil Doctor Woman Trailers

A drag queen doctor named Peter conducts experiments on patients which end up in anguish!

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Boba_Fett1138 All of the Guinea Pig movies are quite pointless ones but this one is a bit extreme in that sense perhaps. It really lacks a purpose and instead is an odd pile of different strange and humorous sequences, mostly involving death and gore. It sometimes work out as entertaining but more often as just plain odd and truly pointless.It's a movie that mostly leans on its devil woman doctor, a man a drag pretending to be a doctor, who is also the binding factor of the entire movie. Within him the movie would had been a totally disjointed one. The drag queen still brings some joy to the entire movie but it's simply not quite good enough to truly uplift the movie and to make it a fully successful movie.Because of its more comical and far less serious approach, this movie is also less extreme with its gore. It also simply goes far too over-the-top for it to let its gore work out as anything shocking or realistic. Also when you compare its effects to any of the other previous entries out of the series, this movie is surely the least.Even though its far more comical, I just couldn't enjoy watching this movie as much as I did some of the other entries within the Japanese Guinea Pig-series.4/10
DVD_Connoisseur I've always what future "Guinea Pig" films would have looked like had they continued in the same taboo-breaking vein as "The Devil's Experiment" and "Flowers of Flesh and Blood". While some of the subsequent episodes were dark tales of horror, "Devil Woman Doctor" follows in the same comic footsteps as "He Never Dies". If you imagine what a Japanese Monty Python show may have looked like, you'll have some idea of the style of this dubious entry in the series.Casting political correctness aside, we have a crying baby's head exploding and an animated, corn-fed poo monster (think of "South Park"'s Mr. Hankey in "real-life"). With a succession of hit-and-miss sketches (well, "miss"), this installment seems to last a lot longer than its 52 minutes.4 out of 10. I'm almost lost for words. Another "completists only" title.
euchrid eucrow this film is (fortunately) not the first of notorious guinea pig films i had a 'pleasure' to watch. unlike 'mermaid in a manhole', devil doctor is and probably was intended to be a comedy. unfortunately - not a very good one, and to be honest 'a man who never dies' made me more amused, probably because it didn't intend to be funny (and was shorter). devil woman doctor is filled with exaggeration and slapstick humour, it doesn't appear to have any plot or time/place setting. the shots are or not loosely connected with a figure of a Japanese drag queen (supposedly a doctor... and a cleaner). they reminded me of (dont hate me, i didn't mean it this way) Monty python sketches that went bad. the stomach chasing a young girl in a tunnel was certainly the worst part of it, i liked the straightforward conversation of four patients suffering from various diseases and the moving tattoo scene, the opening was quite funny too. 3 out of 10... because i have seen worse.
DocEmmettBrown After having viewed the disturbing images of early Guinea Pig's Devils Experiment and Flowers of Flesh and Blood I approached this chapter with well deserved trepidation. What I didn't expect was that I'd be laughing my ass off five minutes into the film.SOME MINOR SPOILERSTelling the flimsy story of a transvestite doctor and his/her radical experiments on her patients DWD is basically an excuse for unleashing a handful of hilariously gory sequences, from a family whose heads explode when angry to the story of a loving couple, one of which is dead via the tale of a woman pursued by a killer 'abandoned internal organ'. I kid you not.The FX are bargain basement at best but it's all about the comedy this time. The exploding heads are straight out of Monty Python while the rest rings of Troma or early Trey Parker film Cannibal the Musical.Fans of hardcore horror are often disappointed by this entry in the series but if you share a slightly warped sense of humour you will get a good few laughs out of this one."Iron Pie Fight!!!"