Red Nightmare
Red Nightmare
NR | 11 February 1962 (USA)
Red Nightmare Trailers

A man takes his American freedoms for granted, until he wakes up one morning to find out that the United States Government has been replaced with a Communist system. The basis for this short film, narrated by Jack Webb, is the alleged Soviet re-creation of US communities for the purpose of training infiltrators, spies, and moles.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Nonureva Really Surprised!
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
icoa9125 I too am a history teacher, specializing in postwar American history. This IS a glimpse into history - not the history of the Soviet Union but of the United States and the very worrying extent of the irrational hysteria about Communism in that period. I don't think it is very relevant to talk about how realistic this is as a portrayal of the USSR as the point is that this is a portrayal of a Communist takeover of the USA and that was just never going to happen, either by external invasion or internal subversion. To understand a film like this we are better off looking at domestic American politics and to the advantages this bogey- man (a negative mirror-image of what America was understood to be) afforded various groups, and the need for others (like film executives who were not from Anglo-Saxon Protestant backgrounds and who wanted a handy baton to beat Unions with) to present themselves as "100% American". There are lessons to be learned here but not about the USSR.
Gregg Wager How weird to see this film now released under the title "The Commies are Coming, the Commies are Coming," as if you could show it at a drunken frat party along with "Reefer Madness." I was twelve years old in my first year of Junior High School when this film was shown to me--twice (in other words, by two different teachers, on two different occasions). Yes, they showed it to us in school as if it were an educational film. What's worse, the teachers were entirely serious about it and none of my fellow students, at least it seemed, even chuckled while it was shown. Did someone mention the Twilight Zone? Not on the screen, but in the school I attended. For the life of me, I still can't imagine (the year was 1970 with the Vietnam War raging) that anyone in their right mind could pass this drivel off as something educational about the Soviet Union. Even worse, it cheapens all of the genuine human rights violations and atrocities of the Stalin years and makes our public schools the sources of idiotically inept lies. I want to go back and sue my school for showing me this type of stuff and pretending that only normal students would find it engaging and believable.
Lee Eisenberg A previous reviewer said that this movie had a good point because Communism was (and remains) a real threat. FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD MISTER, WHICH ERA ARE YOU LIVING IN? I should identify that I don't doubt that the USSR had missiles pointed at us, but we also had missiles pointed at them. As for spies, all countries spy on each other.The point is that anyone who takes this movie seriously must have his/her brain warped. "The Commies Are Coming, the Commies Are Coming" is unintentionally one of the most laughable movies ever. It portrays a wholesome American small town getting taken over by the Soviet Union, and one man gets accused of "deviationism" and subsequently gets executed. If nothing else, this movie could be used to show what the McCarthyites did to the Rosenbergs.As for host Jack Webb, aside from having this to his credit, he also had "Dragnet" - which apparently was nothing more than pro-police propaganda. So that's that: Jack Webb was a loser.
Raven18 Basically a good 1950's propaganda film to make fun of on a rainy day. But if you can't appreciate it's camp value I'd suggest you skip it. Otherwise it would make a good follow up movie to The Atomic Cafe and Reefer Madness
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