Recipe for Disaster
Recipe for Disaster
| 16 May 2003 (USA)
Recipe for Disaster Trailers

Rebecca Korda and her two brothers, Sam and Max, are left alone on opening night of their family-owned restaurant.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Irishchatter I'm honestly glad I found the title because I'm gonna start saying everything wrong about it! The actors:they look as if they never acted before and I can see how they felt uncomfortable doing this! It made me cringe just looking at them! The storyline: The parents just leave their kids to mind the rest of their family restaurant. I consider this child abuse, why weren't social services involved?! It just doesn't make any sense to leave your children alone in a restaurant, what if they burnt themselves or even burnt the whole place down! This movie is a really bad example of parenting, children should not be made to watch it regardless if it's meant to be "family-friendly"! The setting: Even though it's meant to be set in a restaurant, the background looks like it's a café since it looks too cramped and the colours were disgusting. Seriously, they should've set this in a diner for all I care!I've seen this movie years ago and it just haunted me badly since then. This is an opportunity to share my opinion of seeing it. I extremely hate this movie, I wouldn't suggest watching and think it's great. It was overrated and stupid. This should be the top of the worst movies list since its definitely mine! Avoid and don't waste your life watching this like I did!
kidbomp This was one of the worst movies i have seen. nobody of any age would like this. i usually give movies 6 stars or more but this movie u guys have to trust me on it is not good! I thought it would be cute but it was the opposite of cute it was Bad! my family didn't like this movie they found it really weird and boring. If you don't believe me see it for yourselfs. i saw this movie this year in 2011. i am pretty sure not even 3 year olds would want to see this. This movie was so bad i didn't even catch the plot or idea of the whole movie. everybody has their own opinion and thats pretty much my opinion of this movie. i hope this review helped you.
Jay Raskin This movie is a series of slapstick gags mostly set within a restaurant. The first half seems quite mean-spirited and uninvolving, while the second half does capture a spirit of zaniness that makes it watchable if not very enjoyable.Margo Harshman and Michelle Brookhurst do a good job as the protagonist and antagonist and can look forward hopefully to better things. John Larraquette and Leslie Ann Warren have done better things and hopefully will look on this as the low point of their distinguished careers.I think the target audience for the film is kids 8-12 years old. They might enjoy some of it. Adults will be bored rather than amused.
rmcelroy This movie is on the level of a badly written sit-com. There is not one original idea in it. Every gag is telegraphed from a mile away. Every character is a cartoon cut-out and there is nothing even approaching a real performance. It's pretty clear that the actors involved knew they were turning out schlock and were only in it for a paycheck. I sat through about 30-40 minutes of this nonsense before I decided it wasn't worth any more of my time. If you are looking in your local video store for a good comedy and you happen across this wretched excuse for a movie, do yourself a favor and rent whatever's next to it. It's bound to be better.