PG-13 | 14 February 1996 (USA)
Rattled Trailers

A horde of rattlesnakes inexplicably descends into Eden Valley, terrorizing an isolated family and forcing them to fight for their lives.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Leofwine_draca A predictable nature-runs-amok thriller which feels like it's a television movie, which I later found it was. This is a clichéd outing in which the film-makers try hard to convince us that snakes are terrorising and endangering the inhabitants of a small mining town - the trouble is that snakes are such a cumbersome and limited threat that the characters have to do some really DUMB things in order to be properly terrorised by them. On a technical level the film is sufficiently good enough to be superficially entertaining, with a solid cast going through the paces and some good, sometimes thrilling sequences involving the snakes. The snakes themselves are mostly real creatures with a few animatronics effects thrown in by the Chiodo Brothers, who are so skilled that you won't recognise the difference anyway.Taking the action hero lead is William Katt, a dependable stalwart who had been fighting off killer piranha in a Corman movie just the year previously. Despite never making it as a big-name actor, Katt always manages to be charismatic in his parts and avoids woodenness, so that's enough for me. Merely adequate is Shanna Reed as his screen wife; saddled with an unappealing, cutesy character, Reed is instantly dismissable in her part. The same can be said for brain-dead daughter Michelle, as played by Monica Creel, who doesn't realise that to escape from a snake in her bathroom she must RUN OUT OF THE DOOR.However, the biggest offender is Michael Galeota as Katt's step-son, Adam. An obnoxious little swine who you sincerely hope is going to get bitten, on the jugular preferably. His snivelling cries of "Paul, Paul" at the film's finale are really nerve-grating and his is definitely one of the worst kiddie characters ever - an unwanted and clichéd sentimental aspect which the tale doesn't need. Thankfully, to counter his disgusting part, we have nice supporting roles from Ian Abercrombie as a helpful snake doctor bloke, and Clint Howard, who it is always nice to see in a mainstream movie, even if he does get killed off far too early on in the proceedings.The main problem of this film is that it's so familiar. In many sequences - particularly when they're searching under the bed for Adam's escaped rat - I got a feeling of déjà vu. Take away the snakes and replace them with ants and you have MARABUNTA. Take away the snakes and replace them with bees and you have DEADLY INVASION: THE KILLER BEE NIGHTMARE. These titles are all pretty interchangeable and none stand out from the others to make them any different. I guess we should pin the blame on ARACHNOPHOBIA, which helped to set the template for "nature's invasion" type family-orientated horror flicks and to which all these TV-level films are naturally indebted. Only snake lovers or, in turn, snake haters need apply for this timewaster.
Coventry "Rattled" is a well-intended, but painfully boring and derivative TV- drama/thriller about a stepfather trying to get along with a stubborn stepson and preparing for the arrival of another baby, whilst at the same time supervising his ambitious water reservoir construction project. Oh yeah, before I forget, there are also a couple rattle snakes that are becoming aggressive and murderous because of the constant drilling in the mountain. Insignificant and totally forgettable flick with too many soap-opera sub plots and pathetic middle-class characters drawings. I guess that's what you get in TV-horror book adaptations. Same thing went wrong with Peter Benchley's "The Beast", in fact. There are many fruitless attempts to build up suspense, while I count only one remotely worthwhile efficient sequences; namely when the cute teenage girl is home alone. Apparently, flushing the toilet isn't the most effective snake-fighting method! Furthermore there's a professor/expert who never stops giving lectures on bizarre – and often irrelevant – snake trivia facts, a worthless two minute cameo of Clint Howard (traditionally the first person to die) and a truly annoying 8-year-old who sadly survives multiple snake attacks. Throughout nearly the whole the film I kept on wondering where I knew lead actor William Katt from. I totally forgot that he was Carrie's date to the prom! That was in fact the most exciting moment in the film for me! Remember that he played in "Carrie" and "House". Avoid this wannabe tense. If you fancy horror movies with snakes, check out the sillier ones like "Venom", "Sssssss", "Rattlers" and "The Snake Woman". Heck, even the "Anaconca" flicks and "Python" are more fun.
DrPhilmreview Why did it have to be snakes? Maybe because director Tony Randel (a graduate of the Roger Corman school of budget horror film-making) already did "Ticks". Judging by the Amityville rip off poster for the Eden Valley water Project at the top of this film, he really wishes he could have done Jaws IV too. Instead he's helming the slow moving bore, "Rattled".This snake fright film is bogged down by a LOT of family drama about Paul (William Katt) and his new wife Krista (the delightful Shanna Reed) and how Krista's kids Michelle (hotty Monica Creel) and Adam (annoying Michael Galeota) are dealing with having a new man in their family. Paul is the designer of the Eden Valley water Project where they're building a lake community by blowing up some hillside, not knowing the hills are alive with the sound of slithering.Kids are in jeopardy, workmen are in jeopardy, more kids in jeopardy, hotties in jeopardy...who will live? Who will die? Who will care? Not me, and not you.
chrnaess Rattled was a very fine film. It had suspense and very fine performances, Shanna Reed looked extremely beautiful, the same did Monica Creel, Katt also delivered a fine performance.Every scene with the snakes was extremely well made and at times really terrifying. Nice scenery and fine background music also contributed to the success.This was one the finest, scariest and enjoyable films I`ve seen.
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