PG | 26 June 2007 (USA)
Ratatoing Trailers

Marcelle Toing, owner of the best restaurant in Rio de Janeiro, must go on missions to steal ingredients from human restaurants to keep his meals the best.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
ldomegan If im ever sad I just watch Ratatoing because its so stupid that is so funny. The long long noses are the best and its so pathetic. Anyone who thinks this movie isn't pure comedy then they can drown.
victorgiaquinto Ratatoing is one of the best works of art that I have ever seen in my life. Ratatoing displays amazing detail every scene of the movie. The idea of a rat cooking food is great innovation, and has never been thought of before. The entire film makes you rethink archaic philosophies, and is overall a true product of the enlightenment period. Ratatoing has the best animations possible at the time, with state-of-the-art floating feet, and mouthes randomly teleporting as the characters speak.To be real, every statement that I have made so far should be inversed. Ratatoing is a terrible movie and an absolute waste of life. The movie is so bad that it actually makes this statement true: Ratatoing is one of the best works of art that I have ever seen in my life.
Wii Tennis PRO!!!!! Ratatoing captures the pure godlike essence that radiates from these rat things. Through the power of editing and a clear several years of grueling work, this wonderful movie was finally released and cured the us of crippling depression. Also, this movie cured my cancer and i now own 50 rats by the name of Marcell, and they live in a giant cage with a sign on the front that reads "Ratatoing". Every night i pray to them after watching the entirety of this movie 3 times. This masterpiece is truly one of a kind. You should definitely buy it, because no matter how much it costs, you will have no regrets.
Some Dude I found this in the kids section at my library and assumed it was a sequel to "Ratatouille." Man, was I wrong. Even Saturday morning cartoons are a step above this turkey in animation and sound quality. This thing was released 3 days before Ratatouille which, given how similar the names are, seems pretty "coincidental." You are free to draw your own conclusions from this, but I bet there are quite a few people who bought this video thinking that they were getting Ratatouille. It is the only reason I can come up with for why my library has a copy.I'll admit that I only watched 3 minutes of this before ejecting the disc, but that was plenty of time to decide that investing any more time in watching would be a huge mistake.