Rat Man
Rat Man
R | 20 April 1988 (USA)
Rat Man Trailers

A maniac butchers a fashion model on a Caribbean island and leaves the body to be eaten by rats. The model's sister suspects something isn't quite right with the police investigation and decides to go snooping on her own. With her friend, Fred, their investigations lead them to an unknown part of the island where they discover a monstrosity of a rat like man. The creature is killed by Fred, but the true horror of it's nature is just beginning...

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
durtalique I saw the movie with no expectations at all; and I walked out of it with a couple of laughs at the expense of it.Worth watching if you don't appreciate your time, or are drunk enough to laugh at poor filmmaking. Or if you are learning cinematography and want to know what NOT to do.
Steve Nyland (Squonkamatic) Seriously fun little Italian sleazefest by former spaghetti western director Anthony Ascott. His "Sartana" films were filled with nifty little gimmicks, gizmos, devices, contraptions and bizarre cinematic flourishes that set the films apart from the pack. Here his little wind up gimmick is a despicable marvel of exploitation monster mania that must be witnessed to be believed. Watching the poor little rat man claw apart the half naked female supporting players is where the heart of the film lies. It delivers the goods, doesn't apologize about what it is & gets the job over with a bit of style in under 85 minutes. None of it is really scary but a lot will make your flesh crawl, and probably laugh.One idea that keeps coming to mind is about how the film is a study in applied bad taste right down to the wince inducing use of a real life deformed person in a freakshow role. Such things cannot be enjoyed in good conscience without beer which is used in the presence of friends: It's a howler of a party movie and a guilty pleasure to be enjoyed at times when you just want to marvel at how absurd the human species can be. I don't defend this movie for a minute but I sure am in awe of it, which in some cases will have to do.7/10
Rapeman 2' 4¼" tall Nelson De La Rosa - aka Mahow - stars in this piece of Italian trash cinema as Ratman, a rat / monkey hybrid who is on the loose on a tropical island attacking & killing swimsuit models and anyone else who crosses his path. De La Rosa is the world's smallest actor (and a creepy little motherf ucker!) and in 1990 was certified in the Guiness Book of World Records as the smallest man on earth, (although this is untrue, there are 2 other people in the world smaller than him - Gul Mohammed from India and Lin Yu-Cheh of Taiwan) he died recently on October 22nd 2006.The thread-bare plot involves a "mad scientist" that creates this insane little mutant – for what reason we never find out – which promptly escapes and starts randomly killing people (mainly females). While on the island looking for her missing sister, Janet Agren (Eaten Alive, City of the Living Dead) meets up with crime novelist David Warbeck (Black Cat, The Beyond), and together they start to investigate the murders. Eva Grimaldi (Convent of Sinners, Quiet Days in Clichy) is also hanging around and treats us all to a titillating shower scene, which ups the pretty much nonexistent sleaze-factor a bit.Although written by Dardano Sacchetti & Elisa Briganti (Zombie, House By the Cemetery), this flick is pretty much dullsville: there's a bit of blood splattered around but very little gore apart from one scene where De La Rosa cannibalizes a victims stomach, a lot of ''filler'', bad dubbing, and you don't see Ratman half as much as I would've liked to – although when he does appear it definitely makes for the most entertaining parts of the film, so its not a complete waste of time. The films director, Giuliano Carnimeo has also directed Case of the Bloody Iris, numerous Spaghetti Westerns and wrote the infamous violent and sleazy Giallo, The Killer is Still Among Us. 6/10
EVOL666 I just gotta wonder how the filmmakers pitched this one to Nelson De La Rosa (at 2' 4" he is considered "world's smallest actor" and the lead in the film). I can just picture it now..."OK Nelson - we've got this REALLY great role for you. I know you've been trying to break into serious acting for a while now, so we're gonna give you the role of a life-time...are you ready for this?...you're gonna play a rat/monkey hybrid freak!!! Isn't that just perfect???". Well, however that meeting went, it obviously worked cuz De La Rosa DOES in fact play the ill-named RAT MAN (which I STILL don't understand, being that he is supposed to be portraying a rat/monkey hybrid - I guess RAT MONKEY just doesn't have the same "ring" as a film title...) and does so pretty competently for such a goofy film.As you've probably gathered by now...the film revolves around a rat/monkey (or RAT MAN if you prefer...). The thing was created by this strange doctor for...well...for no real purpose at all. This doctor seems to be delusional as he said he was planning on winning the Nobel Prize for his "achievement" - but last I heard, they don't typically give out Nobel Prizes for the creation of murderous hybrid freak creatures, although I could be wrong. Anyway, the rat/monkey gets loose and starts killing people all over the Caribbean island that they're on - and let me tell you - this little bastard really get's around. From the beach to the jungle to a deserted village - you just can't stop the rat/monkey. When a model turns up dead, her sister is called in to ID the body - but it turns out to be the wrong girl (OOPS...). The woman stays around to look for her sister who is supposed to be doing a photo shoot in the jungle. The woman is accompanied by a writer who she just met in a cab(?)and decides to tag along with her for absolutely no reason at all (?!?!?). Their investigations eventually lead them back to the good doctor's home, and that's where the real "terror" begins...I guess...RAT MAN is actually pretty enjoyable. The plot is completely retarded, the acting is so-so, the ending is hilarious in it's ineptitude, and there's not nearly enough gore or nudity for my taste (although there is a little bit of both). But for some reason, this one is still fun, and De La Rosa as the RAT MAN is probably one of the most perfect casting choices I've ever seen. This creepy little bastard should be in EVERY horror film. Recommended to fans of sleaze n' cheese films - most others will probably find it far too stupid to enjoy. 7/10