Rape! 13th Hour
Rape! 13th Hour
| 22 January 1977 (USA)
Rape! 13th Hour Trailers

A serial rapist takes on a young protégé to his craft as he is pursued by a homosexual gang seeking vengeance for an attack on their leader.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
ScoobyMint Disappointment for a huge fan!
Stephanie There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Beulah Bram A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
ebiros2 I saw this movie as part of a double feature in a movie theater I believe in Itabashi area of Tokyo around 1978. The other movie I think was Momojiri Musume, and that was the movie I actually wanted to see.I was amazed at the audacity of the character to climb up the wall of a condo to rape a woman. Then after that it was non-stop sexually themed violence throughout the movie. The movie left an impression on me that I haven't forgotten through the years. I couldn't remember the title of the movie, but I've seen it recently again. The ballerina girl I thought was Izumi Shima, but it wasn't. Each of the movie's character has a shabby poetic- ness to them. Nikkatsu's Roman Poruno series movies usually has a happy go lucky style to them, but this movie is unusually dark for this series. One of a kind sex movie that goes beyond mere porn due to its audacity. It's definitely worth checking out if you can find it.
Bloodwank Watching Rape! 13th Hour, I was truly shocked and appalled that it wasn't a serious minded and compassionate treatment of the disturbing subject of sexual violation. Actually I'm lying, it was top entertainment. Sometimes the diktats of morality, social responsibility and the like are nothing but a drear suffocation upon the soul, and Rape 13th Hour slices through them to blissful effect, smile on its face all the while. The plot is scant, we follow a young gas station attendant who falls under the wing of the suave and well dressed Crimson, a gentleman committed to the pursuit of rape. Together they rape various lovely young women, the while watched by a trio of gay vigilantes whose attentions lead to a shockingly aggressive finale. This is only the second film I've seen from Yasuharu Hasebe and probably the better of the two (the first being Attacked!), albeit slightly lacking in the same substance. But with such dedication to showing its two heroes on their spree without conscience or mercy, who needs thematic weight? The film is quite simply shameless, it cares not for victims in any fashion beyond their beautiful bodies, indeed the reaction of one rapee seems to outright mock the conventional wisdom regarding such things, instead appealing directly to sexual fantasy. Having more or less discarded the notion of victimisation or indeed morality outright, the focus is on Crimson and his pal, treating their exploits as hardly anything out of the ordinary, often attractive and even amusing. Crimson comes across as a rape flavoured equivalent of any number of engaging amoral heroes of Japanese cult cinema, as played by Akira Takahashi in a natty red leather jacket he exudes laconic cool, whilst the young gas station attendant is seduced immediately into the joys of rape and is charmingly portrayed by Yudai Ishiyama as an enthusiastic novice with a great new hobby. As far as the women go, only Yuri Yamashina stands out as a ballerina, first and last rapee and something of a catalyst, she suits the abuse well. Hasebe directs with flair, rapes carry a cruelly erotic charge, the violence is brutal and frenetic and there are some nifty visuals including a funny stop/start woodland chase, evocative sheet tearing and great use of feathers in the final scene. Nice scoring too, classical and baroque stuff with Swan Lake making a memorable appearance. All in all this one was a real winner, though it should be noted both that it is arguably highly offencive and that as far as the nastier minded pinkus go this is relatively tame (though plenty arousing for ambush love enthusiasts). Still bags of fun with solid rewatch value though, 8/10 from me.
EVOL666 Of Hasebe's films, I've so far only seen the twisted (and spectacular) ASSAULT! JACK THE RIPPER, and now RAPE! 13TH HOUR. After the sleazy-goodness of ASSAULT! - I was hoping for another strong violent-pink exploit entry, and I got it - sorta...The story surrounds Crimson - a serial rapist who takes on as an accomplice/attendant a young gas-station attendant. The two commit several rapes together as the gas-guy learns the ropes of raping women into submission. Meanwhile, a gang is on Crimson's tail (for reasons that were never made clear...) - and the gang's gay leader tries to extort sex out of Crimson in order to keep hush-hush about his "extra-carricular activities". Crimson ain't havin' it and knocks around the gang leader - causing a most unpleasant retaliation...After watching both ASSAULT! and 13TH HOUR - I've come to the conclusion that Hasebe is a pretty weak director with some strong ideas. At least ASSAULT! has enough "nasty" content to keep ya interested - whereas 13TH HOUR proved pretty dull to me. The rape scenes are neither particularly erotic nor particularly nasty, the cinematography as a whole is amateurish, and there just wasn't enough happening (except for a lot of soft-core simulated rape-action) for me to care. That said - it's not a horrible film, and the ending is suitably strong - I just feel that this film didn't live up to it's "shocking" reputation to me, and I feel that it's "rare" status may have more to do with the stigma of the film, then the contents themselves. Worth a look to the exploit-completist...6.5/10
fertilecelluloid Another impactful Japanese thriller from Yasaharu Hasebe, this mean-spirited rape/revenge flick pushed the sexual violence boundaries so far (even for Nikkatsu) that that they voluntarily put the brakes on the genre. However, it was briefly revived ten years later by Ohara's "Zoom Up: Rape Site". In this exercise in grimy nihilism, a rapist named 'Crimson' stalks and rapes a dancer with the help of an "apprentice". A final assault scene in an empty swimming pool (of a male) has to be seen to be believed, and echoes the homosexual biker rape in the same director's incendiary "Raping!". The blood and guts quotient is high and, technically, this is the most straightforward installment (stylistically) of the bunch, but is a confronting, unique pleasure.