Rancid Aluminium
Rancid Aluminium
| 21 January 2000 (USA)
Rancid Aluminium Trailers

Pete Thompson thinks he has it all. However, following the death of his father his close friend and accountant reveals the company he has been left is bust and the only way out is to do business with the Russian mafia. His life and heart are on the line when he leave to restore the fortunes of the family firm.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
rivnam this film is quite simply one of the worst films ever made and is a damning indictment on not only the British film industry but the talentless hacks at work today. Not only did the film get mainstream distribution it also features a good cast of British actors, so what went wrong? i don't know and simply i don't care enough to engage with the debate because the film was so terrible it deserves no thought at all. be warned and stay the hell away from this rubbish. but apparently i need to write ten lines of text in this review so i might as well detail the plot. A nob of a man is setup by his evil friend and co-worker out of his father's company and thus leads to an encounter with the Russian mafia and dodgy accents and stupid, very stupid plot twists/devices. i should have asked for my money back but was perhaps still in shock from the experience. if you want a good crime film watch the usual suspects or the godfather, what about lock, stock.... thats the peak of the contemporary British crime film.....
scribble-3 Quite frankly I thought I was alone in having seen this appalling movie. Words almost fail me as to how truly dreadful it is. I left the cinema fuming with anger - having been robbed of two hours of my life. In some senses it is truly remarkable; it has absolutely no redeeming features - whatsoever... incomprehensible plot, wooden acting, awful direction, dreadful script, baffling editing... it is difficult to know wehre to stop....Often I would say, watch it and make up your own mind. But quite honestly, I wouldn't wish this movie on anyone. It would be funny if it wasn't so buttock-clenchingly awful.Now for its good points... Nope. Can't think of a single solitary one.Now for the love of God, run like the wind if somone offers to show it you.
Kagcan This movie wasn't the worst I've ever seen but its my least favorite Joseph Fiennes film. In my opinion, Joe did an okay job keeping this film together. His accent was great as was the other actors. However, the real story in the film just isn't there. Its kind of hard to get down to what is really going on. If you like Joe a lot, check it out. If not, move past. Its not worth the money to rent or buy.
gfischer I'm often amused, and sometimes amazed, at the negative reviews given for films which I enjoyed, and where I think the reviewers missed the point of the whole thing. This was roundly criticized by several reviewers who evaluated it entirely as an attempt at serious action/drama, and overlooked the satire and tongue-in-cheek nature of the whole thing. The story was not only unbelievable, but fantastic. The characterization were shallow because they are caricatures; the bumbling son and heir, his avaricious and disloyal "friend" and partner who engages in an absurdly elaborate scheme to gain control of his business; the type cast Russian "Mafioso," their "femme fatale," whose bizarre actions go beyond the absurd. I think the scenario where our hero tries to establish an airtight alibi by producing a condom with DNA material from both him and her (despite the fact he could have produced the real thing a few hours earlier) is one of the funniest sequences I've ever seen in a movie. Lighten up out there! You missed a very funny movie.