Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer
Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer
G | 15 November 1985 (USA)
Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer Trailers

Rainbow Brite, and her magical horse Starlite, must stop an evil princess and her underlings from taking over the planet Spectra. When they meet Orin, the wise Sprite tries to make the two children get along and work together to stop the evil Princess. Orin tells them that they can only destroy her by combining their own powers against her. Getting in the way of their mission is the sinister Murky Dismal and his bumbling assistant Lurky who, as usual, are lavishing in the new gloom created by the darkening of Spectra, as well as trying to steal Rainbow's magical color belt.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Charie I adored this, but I am an 80's kid. I loved Rainbow Bright my whole childhood. I don't know if little ones these days would be very interested in the show, mine wasn't. (But thats okay, I bought it for me anyway. I just brought the little one so the guy at the checkout stand wouldn't look at me funny.)I love the non violent drama, and the colorful scenery. It just reminds me of a simpler time before cartoons had more violence than our local news can legally show. :) Although I may be just a little biased on the subject. Afterall I was Rainbow Bright 6 years in a row for Halloween........I wonder if they make a Rainbow Bright costume for adults. Lol.
DaNay4422 I first saw this movie when I was very little. I was born in 1985, so it was around the age when 80s cartoons were big. My mother taped it one day thinking I might like it. I had never even heard of the Rainbow Bright TV show before I was introduced to the movie. When I saw it (on one of those old BETA tapes...) I loved it. I became addicted to it. There are people who say it's badly written and all that, but it's a kid's movie, and things like that don't matter much to children. I loved the story, and especially liked the songs and all the female characters. Of course I pretended to be them, and in the scene where Rainbow first met Krys and they were repulsed they had to work with the opposite sex, I could totally relate. The story was the basic good vs. evil that children enjoy, and there were enough happy moments to balance out the scary ones. The world is a fantastic place that would stimulate the imagination of any young child. I am very glad I had an opportunity to see this movie when I was little. It made a big impact, and watching it now brings back happy memories of childhood. I would recommend to any parent with young children to rent this movie. It will trigger their imagination and provide plenty of entertainment. You're only a child once, so don't let them miss out on this one!
Blueghost ...and trampled many a little girl's heart in doing so (assuming little girls were watching Siskel and Ebert when the film hit the theatres).I had vague recollections of Rainbow Brite. Most of them were of a corporate marketing creation, designed to garnish money through the promotion of toys, books, cards, a TV series, and, ultimately, a feature film.No, I did not see this in the theater, but I remember catching portions of it on cable a year or so later. I finally sat down to see why people (mostly parents) were giving Rainbow's motion picture debut a unanimous thumbs down. Fast forward twenty-years, and a DVD of that same film comes out. And after a viewing I have some observations.The bare bones of a good story are there, but the execution is horrid. The character design is standard stuff for offshore animation-big heads and over-sized eyes to accentuate "cuteness," but done with a western bent, presumably to make the character appeal to a North American and European audience (though I don't know if Rainbow ever emigrated across the Atlantic). But the actual animation, the movement and presentation of the story, is the absolute worst I've ever seen for an animated feature film.All the cutesy girlish overtones, inflections, vocals and themes aside, none of which bothered this viewer (however uninteresting I found them), the actual technical aspects of the film, the staccato motions, poorly drawn perspectives, inclusion of off-shore animation gags and other techniques, really make watching this film an ordeal. The basic story is fine, but the presentation is the absolute worst I've ever come across for a major animated film.To myself it's excessively clear that Halmark, and any companies holding hands with them, were out to mimic the Japanese media-toy marketing model. A model that they had fine tuned years before it was ever introduced into the United States, and ultimately, and deservedly, failed in the long run.Which is a real shame, because the character of Rainbow Brite is actually a very responsible, albeit naive (as children are apt to be), caring and ingenious little girl. She's a heartfelt character created for the sole desire to snatch a percentage of parents' pay-cheques, and the film's technical quality demonstrates that all too clearly.The film relies almost solely on what are called "key" animation frames, with practically no (or very few) "inbetweens"-the drawings created between the key segments to smooth out and sell the character's motion to the audience. In short, it ain't Disney.And this is a real shame, because there's room for improvement. To mothers and grandmothers across the land who remember Rainbow Bright, do yourselves a favor and watch Rainbow Brite, then watch a Disney feature of your choice. Then decide which one you prefer. And from that choice, decide which is best for your daughter.In the meantime, I'll go alone with Siskel and Ebert, and give this thing the obligatory thumbs down.*EDIT* Rescreen June 12th, 2013 Well, I got a pirated copy (which I did not know was going to be a pirate) in the mail, and all I can say is I now see why I donated my original DVD. A kids' film yes. A good one? No.
ocean2c This movie is awesome due to the fact that it showed how good cartoons really looked in the 80s,the animators were not lazy like they are today,the cartoon had so much detail with very little resources they have with them compared with what we have today.If more people would request these cartoons to be rebroadcast then maybe all of the other 80s cartoons would be shown on television once again,therefore to finish my sentence i would just like to say that this was a cartoon that i grew up with and really would like it to be on tv once again.