G | 18 August 2000 (USA)
Quints Trailers

A teenager goes to desperate lengths to get attention when her mother gives birth to quints.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
bkoganbing Quints despite what you might obviously think is not a film about the birth of quintuplets. It's about the experience of being an older sibling to those quintuplets and the film is seen and narrated through the eyes of their 14 year old sister played by Kimberly J. Brown.I have to say this is one of the better products to come from the Magic Kingdom I've seen in recent years. The cast is very appealing and it's done in such a way that an adult on in years such as myself can empathize with the plight of a 14 year old girl just lost in the shuffle over these babies.Kimberly J. Brown really makes the film, she's a nice normal 14 year old girl just looking to make her niche in the world and she hasn't quite found the thing that moves her. She comes from a pair of normal parents who if anything are a pair of overachievers. Daniel Roebuck and Elizabeth Moorehead want what's best for their daughter, but their vision of what's best clouds the view.They've got their financial problems and of course with five extra mouths to feed, they seem to multiply. But when media consultant Vince Corazza appears on the scene with all kinds of moneymaking ideas for the Quints, the future is bright.The problem is that young Ms. Brown is finally finding herself under the tutelage of a caring art teacher James Kalls. This does lead to a family crisis of sorts.Of course it all is resolved in good Disney fashion. But the film itself is charming. I liked the performances of Roebuck and Moorehead as the decent parents whose heads get a bit turned by the prospect of all that money to be made in exploiting the Quints. And there is a very portrayal of Don Knotts as the state governor who doesn't like to miss his photo opportunities.All in all a very nice family film from the Disney Studios.
Christopher Hewitt First off, I just have to say that this movie has comedy, it has the ability to be charming, it is dramatic at some points, and it is a little sad. Kimberly J. Brown is very good at playing Jamie, as she was brilliant at playing Marnie in both of the exquisite and remarkable Halloweentown films. She possesses a very friendly format to the movie. She narrates it and tells the story with detail. It has more depth to it than most other Disney Channel Original Movies. Jamie's friends are Zoe, (Shadia Simmons) and Brad (Jake Epstein). They comfort Jamie and help her through her "quintastic" time. The parents of Jamie play their roles much better than parents in other movies I have seen. They both lead very busy and productive lives and tend to ignore Jamie. This movie had most everything I could ask for in an 80 minute time frame. If it seems worth it to see, I recommend you do. It gallantly deserves a 10 out of 10. I think because it just keeps you watching.
figureskater67 This film is Disney at its worst.Every cast member in this movie lacks acting talent with the exception of Don Knotts.The plot line is the worst yet of the Disney channel Original movies(Even though they all suck).I also find it incredibly annoying when Kimberly J. Brown stops the movie to explain something totally irrevelent to the plot line.This move is quite possibly the worst move I've ever seen!
Cyprus386 Get this: Teenage girl wants space from her parents. She gets it-by the arrival of five brothers and sisters, the ever-popular quintuplets. Now, I thought Kimberly Brown was excellent in "Tumbleweeds". She isn't horrible here, but could have used improvement. The worst acting came from Elizabeth Morehead, who plays the mom on the worst sitcom ever, "One World". Do I sense a pattern here? Bottom line-view it for what it is.