Love Leads the Way: A True Story
Love Leads the Way: A True Story
| 07 October 1984 (USA)
Love Leads the Way: A True Story Trailers

Based on the true story of Morris Frank and the first U.S. Seeing Eye Dog, Buddy.

Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
rebatickets One of several true Disney classics, this story follows the life of a young man who suddenly goes from fit and independent to blind. I would like to point out upfront that he completely regains his independence, though never his sight. How? Through the Seeing Eye Dog program. But the movie doesn't stop there. If you're anything like me, you'll grieve with him when he loses his sight. Then you'll cringe when he walks into things. By following his story so closely, the movie realistically shows its audience how this young man coped with losing something he'd always had. His determination makes him the perfect candidate for the innovative Seeing Eye Dog program, and he travels clear to Europe where he trains for weeks with his dog, Buddy. What a team! Not at first, perhaps, but eventually and for good. Together they survive a car crash, prejudice, and years of working. And they fight. Thanks to them, legislation was passed that allowed service animals access to public transportation, restaurants, etc. True pioneers, in so many ways. I've always loved this movie, and have got one eye on the Disney website, waiting for it to come out on DVD. I shan't name titles, but I am confused as to why so many worthless titles are cluttering the shelves while this gem sits ignored, sparkling through the dust.
debbysea What a beautiful, loving movie! It's the story of a blind man's attempt to get legislation passed to allow seeing eye dogs into public places, like restaurants and offices--things that we, today, just take for granted. It has many sub-plots as well, though, like the relationship between Morris and his parents and between him and his fiancé. My favorite is the relationship that develops between Morris and Buddy. It shows the work that goes into training a dog to work with the blind, and makes us appreciate what these dogs are capable of. It's a "feel-good" movie--one that everyone who has ever loved a dog would appreciate.
sol Charming little movie about the founding of the Seeing-Eye program that began in the US in the early 1930's. With a touching performance by Timothy Bottoms as Morris Frank, the first blind person who was was given the task to prove that the program would work, and of course the German Shepard dog who played "Buddy" the first seeing-eye dog.Holds your interests from beginning to end and leaves you feeling much better about there being good in the world then you thought there was before you saw the movie. Not exactly for young children, it's no Rin Tin Tin or Lassie film, but still one of the best dog or animal movies ever made and unlike most films about animals and people this movie is based on a true story which results, the Seeing Eye Program, are still with us today and bigger then ever.
ohenry97-1 Great actor, great movie! Good story revealing a story both about a man and his dog, while also telling the story about the Seeing Eye Dog Program when it first was established. I recommend it!