Queer Duck: The Movie
Queer Duck: The Movie
PG-13 | 14 July 2006 (USA)
Queer Duck: The Movie Trailers

Queer Duck and his partner of 18 months (a lifetime in gay years), Stephen Arlo "Openly" Gator, hit a relationship crisis when the fey fowl is wooed by a brassy Broadway broad. Queer Duck wonders if he'd be happier being straight, while Gator the waiter spills his problems to a compassionate Conan O'Brien.

ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
director777 i saw this on TV late one night and tuned in based on the name alone. i figured with a name like Queer Duck: The Movie it would be a fun movie that didn't take itself to seriously. For it's campy gay humour, it's enjoyable. There are some serious flaws in it however. It starts off fun. The opening sequence is entertaining and the names might make you smirk (Openly Gator, Oscar Wildcat etc...) but after that, it slowly goes downhill. The most irritating thing in the whole movie is the animation. Web cartoon-grade movement where the eyebrows seem to just bounce around at every word while the mouth attempts to match the dialogue (spoiler alert...it never does) The jokes are more miss than hit and one joke is just stolen off an episode of Family Guy (it's like a friend telling the same joke only with added gay animals) All in all, don't bother buying it on DVD but if you see it on TV, you could do a lot worse 3/10
Lord_of_TERROR This was a funny film. Lots of gay jokes, lots of camp funny, some wicked double entendres, easy on the eye, fast paced, enjoyable. MOst of the time watching it I was thinking about other people i knew who would be laughing their asses off too, When you see a film called Queer Duck you can't go in to the experience expecting drama, plot, gritty realising or anything of the sort. It's not CSI. If the very concept of a queer duck doesn't make you smile then you probably won't like this film. Also, and as the maker says, this is a stereotype of homosexuality based on a pretty select demographic - middle aged fags the maker knows. No real plot but a lot of fun and some real laugh out loud moments.
Christopher Dell'Isola I Bought the DVD because i heard all the rage about this Queer Duck so I went to wal mart and bought it for 14 bucks watched it when i got home and i absolutely loved it from beginning to end. From celebrity jokes to gay jokes the movie was terrific. The voice actors were amazing and Mike Reiss sure does know how to entertain people this is a great movie that has to be bought not rented. It was nice to see Mark Hamill, Tim Curry and David Duchovny doing silly cartoon voices like Tiny Jesus. I Laughed my ass off when i saw this it has to be the best independent film ever made right next to Klay World. so i give this movie 10 stars for great voice acting, great animation, wonderful jokes and terrific music.
cadmandu This film is the cartoon story of a gay duck, his life, his loves and his adventures. He marries a diva, he tries sexual behavior modification therapy with a Christian fundamentalist, buys an amusement park, and generally lives it up.That's the general plot, but this film is an absolute riot. Loaded with gags, parody, puns, double entendres, etc. Musical and dance numbers galore. Fabulous guest appearances by the stars we know and love. I laughed until it hurt. There are no words that can adequately describe this film, and all I can really say about it is if you like mad cap humor, this one's for you. NOT a profound statement about the gay experience. And buy the DVD -- you can order it on Amazon.Guest appearances by Michael, Barbra, Liz, and the usual suspects.P.S. To Wayne who wrote the pejorative comments about my review: I had absolutely nothing to do with the making of this film, I do not know anyone who made this film, and I have not received any incentives, financial or otherwise, to promote it. I saw it in a packed auditorium with a seating capacity of 1,407. No one walked out during the screening, and most of the audience was laughing as much as I was. I'll admit it's goofy humor, but duh! it's a cartoon.