Psycho Shark
Psycho Shark
NC-17 | 21 August 2009 (USA)
Psycho Shark Trailers

Beautiful girls are in danger. At Sunny Beach, a huge shark is waiting for his prey. College students Miki and Mai arrive on a private beach on a tropical island. They can't find the hotel where they booked their reservations, and have gotten hopelessly lost, until a handsome young man shows up, offering to take them to his lodge. But something is not right about the place. The owner's fingernails are tainted with blood and Miki feels something sinister lurking nearby.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Leofwine_draca I watched this under the title PSYCHO SHARK although JAWS IN JAPAN is just as appropriate. Shark lovers beware, there's a CGI shark in this but it only appears for a few seconds due to the lack of budget and, yes, the special effects are pretty dreadful.In all other respects this is no different from the shot-on-video indie trash that American film-lovers have been churning out for years. The plot is about a bunch of bikini-clad girls who visit a beach resort only to mysteriously disappear one by one. An unseen killer is at hand, bumping them off one at a time, but the level of incident is very low. The PSYCHO bit comes from a shower murder featuring the odd sight of girls in bikinis showering, due to this film's no-nudity policy.The acting isn't of the worst standard but the writing is; for a film which clocks in at under 70 minutes in length, there's a heck of a lot of padding here. Most of it consists of close-ups of cleavage and various bikini footage, mostly from the top heavy model Nonami Takizawa who is very pretty. In the end, though, this is nothing other than a trashy bore.
jacobjohntaylor1 This is an awful movie. It is crap. It has an awful story. It has also has a bad acting. It is not scary. The ending is awful. The story is nothing like Jaws. It is very slow and boring. If you what to get scared see Jaws. Jaws 2 is also a very scary movie. Jaws 3 is also very scary. This is not scary. Do not waste your time. Do not waste your money do not see this awful movie. This one of the worst horror movies of all time. If you what to see something really scary see Jaws the revenge. Also Godzilla is a very scary movie. Godzilla raids again is also very scary. But this is just a pile of pooh pooh.
Michael_Elliott JAWS IN JAPAN (2009) BOMB (out of 4)Miki and Mai are on vacation when they go back to the home of a strange man when even stranger things begin to happen.JAWS IN JAPAN also goes by the title PSYCHO SHARK but no matter what you call it the film is a complete dud that lacks anything good. Well, let me take that back. Both Nonami Takizawa and Airi Nakajima do a good job in their roles as the annoying girl but everything else is pretty awful from start to finish.The biggest problem is that nothing here makes too much sense. At times there's weird video footage of the friends, which makes you wonder if it's going for THE RING type of rip-off. There's a shower scene, which I'm guessing is meant towards PSYCHO. Then there's the god-awful looking shark that finally shows up. None of it makes any sense and even worse is the fact that this lasts just 69-minutes.Be on the look out for the shower sequences where it appears the actresses didn't want to be nude so they re-enact the shower motions with their bathing suits on.
manjodude Wow! This is arguably the worst international movie I've seen. I think no one had a clue about what they were doing, right from the script writers, the director or even the actors who looked confused about the happenings. The movie is titled Psycho shark. Although we don't get to see the shark at all till the very end of the movie, maybe the title is aptly put because this shark is truly unique, as it attacks on land too! Don't believe me? Watch the movie till the end to figure this out. The only good point I could mention here is the start, which brings excitement & suspense to the viewers but after that, the movie goes on a downward slide till the big crash at the end.Verdict: If you're a psycho, you wouldn't mind this movie. Or watch this to be one :)