Psycho Girls
Psycho Girls
R | 24 August 1986 (USA)
Psycho Girls Trailers

A woman breaks out of an insane asylum, accompanied by two crazed inmates, to kill her sister.

Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
lost-in-limbo Crazy… random… smutty… daft. All of this rolls up one in this creaky oddball bargain-basement Canadian comedy horror shocker. It's a hard one to grasp, as sometimes you're not quite sure if this is suppose to be a comedy due to its over-the-top nature. Be it, it does have some witty remarks and tongue-in-cheek comic inclusions. But the problem here is that some sequences can be somewhat of a chore to sit through. Especially the long-winded dinner scene (the usual chat about psychology and the condition of the human brain) and drawn-out acts between the torture sequences.The plot is just as makeshift as its production. A women who was committed for the horrific crime of her parents over two decades ago escapes from a mental hospital along with two other runaways to hunt down her sister. In what seems like revenge for keeping her committed, as she is her guardian. There she finds her sister working as a cook for a well-off, cynical pulp writer.For me to go on would be only spoiling the story, but when she finds her sister. Then everything kind of goes pear shape. Making such little sense. Don't try to understand. As then it comes to its torture ceremony and this is where the story loses shape and becomes utter, unhinged hysteria. The director throws around cheap thrills, spotty decors and tacky blood splatter (although sometimes things do happen off-screen), only to heighten the nightmarish atmosphere and threatening anxiety the further along it transcends. The script is low brow, but there are some amusingly smarting remarks (John Haslett Cuff's writer character) and the human mind discussion (curing a diseased mind) feels like it's there to justify its twisted ending. The acting is on the raw side, but Darlene Mignacco's morbidly mania performance is downright uneasy… especially in appearance.A wickedly trashy low-rent psychotic horror comedy."You simply turned me into you".
EVOL666 The stupid thing about my copy of PSYCHO GIRLS (other than the film itself...) is although it's a Canadian production and is most definitely shot in English, all the credits are in English, copy is dubbed in Italian for some inexplicable reason. This may be part of the reason that I got just about nothing from this film - but that's really not all of it.From what I could understand from my watching the film and a few synopses I've read in order to try to make more sense of it - a young girl is framed by her sister for poisoning her parents and gets sent to an asylum. She later escapes to seek revenge on the sister who framed her for the murders with the help of a couple of male escapees. Torture and murder ensue...blah, blah, blah...Honestly - PSYCHO GIRLS reminds me of one of those super-cheezy 80s films that I used to catch late at night on the USA channel at about 2 in the morning when I was like 12 years old. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing (I saw some pretty good sh!t on that channel - along with some real garbage...) - but this one is pretty bad. The budget appears to be all of about 16 dollars, and the fact that I couldn't understand a word of it just made it worse (I think...). I could imagine that this one might be a little bit fun if you were drunk and not really paying much attention to it - but some of the long, drawn out dialogue scenes were quite tedious. Pass this one by unless you're REALLY hard up for something to watch...3/10
Cinema_Love For a B movie, this one worth the money. It is not a big blockbuster movie with a good quality of image & sound but for what it worth, it's great. Also you have T&A plus a bit of entertaining. When you're in for a movie with no real plot and questioned yourself about this movie the day after, it's THE movie you must watch. The directing did a decent job specially with the torture scenes, i almost spit my nachos on my TV screen. Not that it's gory because it's not gory too much and the blood look absolutely and obviously fake, but some scenes of tortures are graphic and hard to watch if you know people who live that. I don't know which note I rate this movie because on a entertaining scale, this movie is at least a 8 and on a storyline scale... 2 or 3, so 5 out of 10 is honest to me!
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