Psycho Cop Returns
Psycho Cop Returns
R | 08 November 1993 (USA)
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A group of office workers decide to have a party in the office building. Among other things, they want to have some drugs there. Their conversation on the subject is overheard by Joe Vickers, which is rather unfortunate for them, since Joe Vickers is a policeman. Even more unfortunate is the fact that Vickers is also an undead psychotic satanist, and instead of arresting them, he will make sure that nobody leaves the party alive...

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Michael_Elliott Psycho Cop Returns (1993) ** (out of 4) Some guys decide to have a bachelor party at their office after hours. The strippers show up. The liquor is flowing. Everyone is having a blast but they don't realize that Officer Joe Vickers (Bobby Ray Shafer) doesn't like people who break the law.PSYCHO COP was an extremely low-budget attempt at a slasher movie. This sequel certainly looks a lot more professional and it features a lot more nudity and some bloodier death scenes but on the whole there's really nothing overly special about it. PSYCHO COP RETURNS is a fairly silly little picture that is mildly entertaining thanks to the R-rated stuff but there's no question that neither film is all that good.With that said, this sequel was certainly a bit better than the original because of the extra money that allowed for better special effects. The film has some pretty bloody moments throughout but the highlight are a couple gunshot wounds that allow a lot of blood to go flying. Some of the death scenes were rather lazy but for the most part they helped keep the film moving. The non-stop nudity from the strippers (one played by Julie Strain) was a plus.PSYCHO COP RETURNS isn't the worst movie ever made but at the same time it's certainly not all that good. Once again it's Shafer who steals the film as the nutty cop.
acidburn-10 After viewing the first Psycho Cop and found that a lot of fun, but completely stupid with awful acting and then finding out that there's a part 2, to be honest I wasn't all that thrilled and thought that it would be just a watered down version of the first one. But boy I was wrong, opinions seemed mixed on this one, but honestly I found this one a whole lot better.Okay the production isn't any better nor is the effects and acting, but this does have a certain charm to it. This time the setting is in an office building instead of the old camping teenagers in the woods scenario, which was a bit odd for a movie called Psycho Cop, but this setting makes more sense in a way and Bobby Ray Schafer (the cop himself) seems more fun in this one and has more snappier dialogue. Plus the movie itself moves along at a decent pace and I wasn't bored for a minute and the strange turn it takes during the final act was a total surprise and very different and I didn't want this movie to end.The plot this time we start off with 2 office guys in a coffee shop making plans for a bachelor party at their office building after hours, but they are overheard by officer Joe Vickers himself and he doesn't approve and starts following them and of course when he enters the building all hell breaks loose with several office workers, a security guard and a couple of strippers all lined up ready for his brand of unique justice.The acting of course is pretty bad but I found the characters a lot more memorable than the first one and some were even likable. Barbara Niven as the obvious final girl was pretty likable and was strong willed and proved to be a decent match for the psycho cop. Mile Dougal was annoying as hell and his acting (if you can call it that) was just strange and all over the place. But the two strippers were a riot and of course Psycho cop himself steals the show.All in all Psycho Cop Returns is not by any means a masterpiece, but it is a lot of fun and highly enjoyable and honestly never thought that in a million years that I'd enjoy this but I did and I wish that there was a Psycho Cop 3.
cool_cool_1 Psycho Cop Returns (1993) is a movie that entertained me, very low budget and very poor acting, but i found it to be pretty fun!!!! Bobby Ray Shaffer once again plays the "psycho cop" officer Vickers, who gatecrashes an office party, the party is filled with dorky young men and strippers!! Psycho Cop wants to kill them all off one by one and stalks and slashes his way through the party, but can anyone stop him before everyone is dead?? Shaffer is great fun as the "Psycho Cop" and comes out with loads of funny one liners during his killing spree!! Like i said before, this was all good fun and kept me entertained for the 85 minute duration, there's some gore, some hot sex and plenty of sexy women on show, i haven't seen the 1st Psycho cop movie but i've heard it's not as fun or gory as this one!! I rate this movie 7/10, recommended for fans of the Maniac cop series!!
polysicsarebest Hilarious. I viewed the original "Psycho Cop" a few years ago and found it to be... actually, it is one of the worst films of all time. So, I saw the sequel in a store, and I immediately remember that all sequels to horrible horror films ("Sorority House Massacre", anyone?) are usually way more entertaining than the original. And, wow, is this movie ever entertaining. I'm not sure how anyone could watch the first movie and approve a sequel, but this is totally better than anything else in the horror/comedy genre.Psycho Cop is Officer Joe Vickers, a man on a mission. He's on a mission to kill people and utter one-liners. He wanders around an officer building and stabs a man in the eye and goes, "Keep an EYE OUT for me." Then, he throws someone down an elevator shaft and says, "That's the problem with elevators -- you always end up GETTING THE SHAFT." Every punchline is delivered with such grace and such bravado that it's as if Jerry Seinfeld himself wrote the one-liners.All the actors are amazingly hilarious. You have a dorky guy with shark teeth and you have a bunch of strippers. While this movie may actually only be an excuse for some girls to run around and scream while wearing black thongs, it is still one of the greatest films ever and worth the $4 you'll find it for in most places. Totally wonderful.
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