The Oregonian
The Oregonian
| 24 January 2011 (USA)
The Oregonian Trailers

A girl gets in a car accident and wanders through the woods, encountering all kinds of nightmarish things.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
tprescott Out of all of the movies I have watched in my day, The Oregonian very well may be the most strange movie I have ever watched. But it is this quality that made this movie enjoyable for me. To be honest, when I watched this movie I never at any point had any clue what was going on or what the purpose could be. I think this is the reason why this movie has gotten some negative reviews, because the critics don't appreciate true intellectual weirdness, aka genius. I did not have my true appreciation for this movie until afterwards, lying awake at night wondering what the hell I just watched, and looking up explanations on my phone. After reading various websites, I came to the conclusion that the true genius is that there is no right answer as to what happened in this movie. You can guess and use logic all you want to but two people may never have the same interpretation of the content and story which makes it a different experience for everyone. I hope that if you are reading this review wondering whether to watch this movie, you are looking for something unique instead of another goddamn boxing movie. Its the same plot every time how are these still selling. Well long story short, you need The Oregonian. The world needs The Oregonian. P.S. if you planned on calling your grandma any time soon I would do it before you watch this film
drewgyselinck The Oregonian is an action packed drama that will keep you guessing, literally guessing, what will happen next throughout the movie. Many scenes will have you scratching your head and wondering what is going, and who would even think of something like this. However, the guessing game and attempted suspense it puts forth keeps the audience intrigued as to what crazy thing will happen next. It may seem like there is no point, but every viewer has his or her own way of watching it and can make their own conclusions about it. The movie starts out with a blonde haired lady who appears to be in about her late 20s. She looks as if she is addicted to cigarettes and alcohol. Then the rest of the movie trails off from there including a car wreck, crazy old lady, omelet making van driver, shirtless mustache man, a person with a gauze covered face, and a man wearing a green cookie monster/Gumby costume. A series of events occur before it all leads to her death when she appears to be driving into a field of high radiation.I believe that this movie has many different plots and views that a person could take from it. My personal view is that this lady is trying to recover from being an addicted hard drug user and she is having a mental breakdown. Her constant need to smoke is something she is trying to do to calm herself down. We see her get very upset when her lighter doesn't work to light her cigarette. The people that she sees and keeps interacting with are people from her past that had bad influences on her. The two people she kills in the car crash at the beginning of the movie is when she begins to hallucinate and starts to see things. I think the realization that the man and little girl were killed triggers an anxiety attack. I think that the big green costume creature symbolizes her when she is on drugs. After she attacks the creature and kills it she takes a drink of the 'gasoline and milk'. We see all of the strange people in the movie drinking this drink and then doing odd things and start laughing. I think the drink is her drug and the gasoline is symbolizing how bad it is because obviously drinking gasoline isn't healthy for someone. Like I said, after she kills the creature she drinks the gasoline. After she takes a sip she turns into the creature and is wearing the costume. She then starts laughing and playing with the dead people like they are dolls from the car accident form the beginning of the movie. That is why I think the green creature symbolizes her and the monster she becomes when she is on the drug. I think she is just reliving all the horrors from her past when she was on the drugs. Then once she finally drinks the gasoline she acts loopy and crazy like she would fit into the situations she has been reliving. Her dying at the end is her dying from abusing that drug for the last time.
mckenziebeech In the film The Oregonian, the woman (Lindsay Pulsipher) is on a direction-less journey that seems as if the Oregonian is just wondering in some sort of abyss or in the unknown of a purgatory sort of world. Unlike other films, the plot of this one cannot be deciphered quite as easily. After the Oregonians's car wreck, she encounters different people and each has an uneasy sense in their character. The Oregonian is killed then the act of necrophilia is performed on her. The omelet man comes in and inserts a delicious looking omelet into the gash in the Oregonian's back. He then proceeds to pour gas on it, all happening while the necrophilia man is having the time of his life. This shows that after death, in others' minds the deceased is not always thought of and respected anymore, kind of like inserting something that was once good, the omelet, into your deathly wound. At the end of this scene the Oregonian's spirit is in the doorways at different moments and she laughs along with other women who randomly enter the scene. This provides a point of view that shows the spirit of the deceased are watching what others are doing, even as they are not physically living anymore. When she comes back to life she brutally clubs the necrophilia man to death in the bed of a truck while he is wearing a frog mascot costume. More events unveil in what seems to be an unorganized and random way to unravel, however this plot summary can be seen as the final destination of the Oregonian's journey in life, and the events that happen in her last moments of travel to said destination.
winreid63 holy turds.. what a delectable and astounding motion picture by whoever made it. I know he probably isn't too famous, but all is well. Im so happy one of the most swell men I know made me watch this with him. we had a candle light breakfast for dinner and has omelets.. Anyways, I really felt a connection to this film in many ways... I mean who Wouldn't?? Watch this one if you are looking for spooky fun for the whole family around the Halloween season.. I love the Oregonian and I would recommend it to anyone between the ages of 1 and 100. so if you are reading this, you have to go watch it for me. I love all of my fans, thanks for the support.
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