| 01 June 2001 (USA)
Princesa Trailers

Fernanda, a 19-year-old Brazilian trans woman, travels to Milan and becomes a sex worker to finance her gender confirmation surgery.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Steineded How sad is this?
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
myflyingjellybean Princsesa is a film based on a true story of a Brazillian transsexual who was dreaming to have a sex operation, which eventually lead her to do prostitution to make her dream come true. This film shows the realistic side of prostitution, how transvestites and transsexual work for money enable to survive, it shows how dark and miserable their lives are. Fernanda is one of the prostitutes that work in the streets of Milan, she wanted to earn a lot of money to support her sex change operation and also to support her family back in Brazil. This two main things are the reason why she moved to Milan until he met Gianni. Their love story was very romantic, and shows how even prostitutes may experience a true love from a stranger in the street. Fernanda was confident about herself that she is pretty enough to earn money for her sex change operation but this confidence fades away when she started to go out with Gianni. With Gianni, she felt the love of a real man to a woman but at the same time this love also made her feel that no matter how much Gianni loves her and even she go through a sex change she will never be a real woman because she cannot bear a child. This was the main reason why she decided to go back to the street and sacrifice her love for Gianni. Overall this movie is really a good one. It touches the reality of prostitution world, the differences of transvestite and transsexual and also the true love that can occur between a transsexual and a heterosexual.
tuc32475 Princesa follows the life of Fernanda a transvestite Brazilian prostitute living in Milan. She desires to have a sex change which leads her to work in the streets to support this decision. The film under the human drama genre follows the motives and emotional struggle Fernanda goes through living as a trans gender and prostitute. As her will of becoming a woman is becomes stronger, the barriers that come with being a transsexual/trans gender also hit her hard. As she falls in love with a straight man Gianni, and finds light in the darkness of society's perception and prejudice against her, her life seem to move in a positive and normal direction. But as the film moves forward, Fernanda realizes that a sex change would not give her what she's always wanted: to become a normal woman. The film covers the inner emotional journey a trans gender or transsexual goes through in association with society. The film in no way glamourizes or romanticizes the position transsexuals are put in society, but it explores and provides a point of view for an audience with no knowledge or little knowledge on the topic. It also portrays the environment and work that trans genders are drawn into because of society's lack of acceptance and opportunity. For someone who has little knowledge of the industry they work in, it was chaotic and overwhelming to process, but nonetheless very educational. Fernanda's relationship with Gianni was also covered in a way that allows the audience to understand Fernanda's identity as a woman. With Gianni, although their first encounter was as a client and prostitute, it clearly became clear their relationship was based on emotional attachment and pure attraction to each other. Although their relationship seemed healthy and equal, Fernanda was still hit with the reality and insecurity that she may never be the "True Woman" she wanted to.
Claudio Carvalho The Brazilian transvestite Fernanda a.k.a. Princesa (Ingrid de Souza) travels to Milan to meet her friend Charlo (Biba Lerhue) and work on the streets as prostitute to raise money for a sex change surgery. Fernanda dreams on changing sex; find her prince charming and have a normal couple life. When Fernanda meets the married lawyer Gianni (Cesare Bocci), her dreams come true: Gianni falls in love for her and leaves his wife Lidia (Alessandra Acciai), moves with Fernanda to an apartment of their own and finances her aimed surgery. However, when Lidia visits Fernanda in her apartment and tells her that she is pregnant, the transsexual realizes that she would never be a complete woman and her relationship with Gianni would not last."Princesa" is a good movie with an unconventional romance of a woman trapped in a man's body that has the dream of most teenagers from the countryside (in her case, from the North of Brazil): to get married and raise a family. The Brazilian director Henrique Goldman uses a stylish grainy image that gives the sensation of documentary in many moments and an amateurish cast that has great performances giving a total credibility to the plot. The sex scenes are not free exploitation but part of the reality of the lives of the transsexual characters in Europe. In spite of the theme, this movie was a pleasant surprise for me. My vote is seven.Title (Brazil): "Princesa" ("Princess")
xristy This film is a sensitive and accurate portrayal of many of the issues surrounding transgendered living. The way that a transgendered individual evolves in feeling about herself as she confronts the implications of 'the operation' on her acceptance of herself and the way others will see her. The film has good production values and very nice scenes of Milano as it is.