Prince of Space
Prince of Space
| 19 May 1959 (USA)
Prince of Space Trailers

Attracted by the report of the development of a new type of rocket fuel, the vicious dictator of Krangkor, the dark planet, descends on Earth to steal the formula from its creator, the benevolent Dr. Makin.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
thecutlers I won't waste space repeating what other reviewers have so ably said already. This movie is dear to me as it is pure nostalgia for a Baby Boomer. In the 1960s, my brother and I would use our reel-to-reel audio tape to record the soundtrack of those dreadful Japanese movies they would play late at night on Sydney TV. (Channel 10, I think.) Those were the days well before VCR recorders. One night, we recorded Prince of Space and never tired of playing it back, howling of course at the ridiculous lost-in-translation dialogue. I don't remember a lot of the movie but certain lines and situations stand out strongly:1. How absurdly timid Professor Macken was after being kidnapped by the Phantom of Krankor - always cowering. Whoever played him must have excelled at the Tokyo Academy of Overacting. 2. How long the fight scenes dragged on between Prince of Space and the bad guys. 3. The manic, sadistic look of glee on the Prince's face as he knocks the bad guys around; he's really enjoying the biff and pain he causes! 4. How the Prince king hits a bad guy who flies into the wall,when it is actually a limp dummy and the guide wire is laughably visible. 5.Professor Macken (cowering): "Where's my chauffeur?" Phantom: (disdainfully) "You can't expect me to keep track of your worthless servants. I shot him out of an air lock about an hour ago. By now, he's probably on a star!" (followed by sadistic false laughter) 6. A house-proud Phantom showing Professor Macken over his home planet: "I have many wonders to show you: my castle, cut from the living rock, my Giant Guardian, and so forth." (My brother and I still use that line when we want to show anything new.) 7. How the "giant guardian" looked like a punch drunk sumo wrestler needing a bit of extra cash, even appearing in a turkey like this. 8. The insufferable kids,dubbed with such squeaky annoying voices, and their immortal lines at the conclusion: Kid 1:"One day, I'll drive a car as fine as the one he drives". Kid 2: "And I'll make clothes that glow." Kid 3: "Big foe(?) too!"All in all, I should thank the actors, writers and crew who brought us this delightfully awful and side-splittingly silly movie. Arigato!!
bensonmum2 A spaceship from the planet Krankor invades Earth with the intention of stealing a new rocket fuel formula. Fortunately for all of humankind, Prince of Space is on hand to thwart the aliens at every turn.I have never seen Prince of Space without the Mystery Science Theater 3000 commentary and, to be honest, I'm not sure I want to. Usually, when I write about a movie that appeared on MST3K, I focus on the movie – not the television show. I pride myself in being able to separate the movie from the silliness going on around it. I can't really do that with Prince of Space. It's the kind of movie that was just made to be lampooned by MST3K. Annoying Japanese kids, ridiculous looking aliens, an even more ridiculous looking hero, crazy weapons, cheesy dubbed dialogue, bad special effects – Prince of Space has it all in spades. The riffs hit their marks almost every time and have me laughing out loud more than once. Some of the quotes that leave me in stitches include: "Tokyo: a rare Godzilla-free day" "I am the lemon zester of destruction." "Crank whore?" "An exchange of deadly negative scratches!" Yeah, it's silly, but boy is it fun. While I rate the movie Prince of Space a 2/10, I'll give episode #816 a 5/5 on my MST3K rating scale. It's truly one of the best.
Seth Nelson I just finished watching the "Mystery Science Theater 3000" version of this flick, and you know how movies are "so bad, they're good?" Usually that phrase refers to movies that are so bad in quality (like really fake sets and endless goofs) that they're amusing to watch. Not this movie! Many people think of it as bad, but I actually enjoyed it! This movie, brought to us from Japan, has a lot of exciting stuff and scenes in it! Stuff that's about as good as other science fiction movies, like "The War of the Worlds" and "The Time Machine" (the original versions, of course!). Of course, watching the MST3K version is just as good as well; there are a lot of funny remarks when it comes to this film, but I'll keep that sealed for those who haven't seen that episode, or in this case, that series.Although this movie is excellent (in my own opinion, of course), I'm giving this a "1" because it's an MST3K movie!
DyslexicScorpion I viewed the MST3K version with my family, and we had a ball. It was the funniest two hours we have spent at the TV set ever. Seriously, almost every line is funny, and sometimes, no robot comments are even needed. The comic chuckles drive the movie through the many chases and battles, but all turn out OK. A good movie to watch with kids, as there is no graphic violence. WE spoke about this film for months, It's That Good!!! My 15 year old daughter loved it so much that she quotes from it often, and watches it over and over again. The film is obviously of an older vintage, so the special effects that they were, were plain old hilarious. I recommend this film to anyone who loves Cheesy Old Sci-Fi. You won't be disappointed.