R | 20 February 2002 (USA)
Pressure Trailers

Two med students must struggle to survive after an unusual shooting incident catapults them into a world of trouble...

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
movieman_kev Steve and Patrick, two med students on their way home from a little vacation, stop at a rundown bar just for one drink. While Patrick is having fun trying to make time with the cheerleaders, perhaps I neglected to mention there was a.cheer convention in town, but I digress, while he's there, poor Steve gets talked into escorting a local woman out into the parking lot where he's promptly mugged and under circumstances not under his control finds himself on the run from the law.It took me awhile to actually watch this movie, it's been in my Instant Netflix queue seemingly forever, and it's a shame that I didn't remedy that sooner, as I found this to be a pretty well-acted solid enough thriller. Some of the characters felt one-dimensional and the ending felt a tad rushed but a good little flick none the less. My Grade: B
wes-connors In a nutshell, Kerr Smith (as Steve Hillman) is accused of shooting the genitals off deputy Adrian Dorval (as Bo Cooper), after necking with the cop's abused girlfriend Angela Featherstone (as Amber). Accused ball-buster Smith, a young medical student, flees with party-minded pal Lochlyn Munro (as Patrick Fisher) from a stupid Oregon police force led by deputy Dorval's dad, Donnelly Rhodes. The corrupt chief of police wants revenge because son Dorval will not be able to reproduce without functioning genitalia. Director Richard Gale and editor Garry M.B. Smith make it look like "Pressure" amounts to something, and it's fun watching crusty Sheriff Rhodes in hot pursuit - but, the sophomoric story is dumber than it looks.**** Pressure (2/20/02) Richard Gale ~ Kerr Smith, Lochlyn Munro, Donnelly Rhodes, Angela Featherstone
moritz-schroeder Pressure is hugely enjoyable. This film is entertaining and thrilling as the pace is relentless and after 90 minutes you are sorry that it is over. Great direction, good editing and timing, great dialogues, 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree fun and black humour. Actors who obviously had a lot of fun during the production. Some comments criticized the stereotyping of characters, but hey that's the point: the film rides on clichés. I gave it a 10/10 because it is an Indy which is so much better than most blockbusters. Of course it's not the best film ever, the story is not in the nobel price league, but that doesn't matter, it's not meant to be. I only was sorry that the German distribution DVD did not include "making of" and other extras.
dwpollar 1st watched 3/15/2003 - 8 out of 10(Dir-Richard Gale): Very well done and suspenseful `man who was in the wrong place at the wrong time' movie. This movie surprised me because it doesn't have any big-name stars, it's one of those movies that you're scared to rent because of it's position in the video stores it has loser written all over it partly because of a subplot involving cheerleaders, but guess what!! This was far from a loser. I'm very surprised that this movie with it's keen writing, superb direction, good acting, and suspense til the end plot, didn't get much attention from anyone in Hollywood it seems. It was made in Canada and pretty quickly was put on video. This is why I like to watch movies, because every once in a while I get surprised. I will look forward to more films by Richard Gale and maybe even recognize Kerr Smith in another role in the future. Way to go, group!! There was tongue-in-cheek humor, action, great pounding music and even a good-guy wins ending.