Pray For Morning
Pray For Morning
NR | 02 May 2006 (USA)
Pray For Morning Trailers

Looking for a night of thrills, eight friends roam the abandoned Royal Crescent Hotel, where five students were murdered more than 20 years ago. When they discover a severed hand, they conjure up a evil spirit and unleash its bloody wrath. To survive the night, the friends must solve a century-old mystery that threatens to annihilate them one by one.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
pushfrog_2000 Pretentious is the word I'd use to describe this movie. The director went "to pains" for many of his special effects and prop pieces which were mediocre at best. The actors were terrible, and their characters severely underdeveloped. The pacing of the movie was also sluggish, as the majority of the kills were children twitching with blue light shining over them. They didn't reveal the ghost until too late in the movie, where you stopped caring.I was most disappointed by the fact that these teenagers appeared to be stupid from their dialogue, but were still able to solve plot points. They were intelligent enough to figure out the curse and puzzle; to figure out from a twenty-year-old bloodstain that the victim was trying to hide something; they could speak Latin, translate "hobo symbols" on the walls, and use old photographs as maps. Yet they died because they separated unnecessarily from the group and then just stood in the same place for extended periods of time. No I'm not talking about the ghosts telekinesis when he held them in place, I'm speaking namely about the character Topher, who stayed behind to cry while his friends didn't notice his absence until the ghost descended upon him. It was extremely artificial, and not in the least bit suspenseful.There are good points to the movie, as the characters seemed to genuinely enjoy each other's presence (save the obligatory fighting couple), which is a dynamic most movies miss on. There were a few good actors in the mix, even though they weren't playing with their best cards. And the story, if re-edited by a different company, could be genuinely interesting.It also had a beautiful and creepy soundtrack, and sometimes (note, sometimes) had the perfect atmosphere for a higher quality horror movie.
takoyakipower I'm a huge fan of horror movies, and this one did a lot right, though some things they messed up.They were right in casting more or less unknowns for the kids. A common mistake in horror movies is that they'll cast stars as the younguns. A, everyone knows that they aren't actually 18. B, No one can watch the movie without thinking of them as stars. There are rare actors that can disguise themselves in their character, but for the most part it's a bad idea to stick them in a horror. It makes it less believable, and therefore less scary. So well done.The bad part was the half-formulaic setup. There WERE plot twists, which is nice, but they messed up. In horror movies, either they stick with the formula, or they do something completely different. In Pray for Morning, they worked in limbo. They stuck to the formula in that the kids who were all about the sex were instantly killed- during the act. This is the puritanical nonsense that moviegoers have lived with for forever. So why? Why kill the sexed first? Then they killed the innocent. NEVER kill the innocent. THAT is non-formula. The innocent should be the last to die, and that's ONLY if there's two. You never kill BOTH if there's more than one. That's bad form.They should have put a story to the light earlier, and shown something other than that the people were standing stalk-still screaming. Also, the kids should've put all the cards on the table from the beginning.With so many criticisms, you'd think I'd hated it. But in reality it was a great show. The creepy brownish light and the ghosts' random appearances were well done, and the actors did a good job. It was gore-y, ugly, and fun.
shujaahmad2004 I watched this movie after having seen it gain a rating of 8 on IMDb. I thought this must be a good horror movie to attain such a high rating (even though there had only been 44 votes at the time). After watching it i can say i am a little disappointed in the movie. Seemed like a low budget movie with poor actors & a fairly simple plot & thats exactly what you get! I thought it was a good enough watch & kept me reasonably interested but the fact that the source of all evil in the hotel turns out to be a stand-up show magician seemed to ruin the whole thing for me. Still watchable but not sure how it gets an 8.0 rating (at the time of writing this comment).
joemamaohio Eight friends decide to go to an abandoned hotel that is supposedly haunted after the brutal murders of five teenagers back in 1985. As soon as they enter the hotel, weird events begin to happen, and they start disappearing after seeing a mysterious light.The mystery unravels as the remaining survivors realize that they're trapped in the hotel, and every time they try to leave, they're transported back to where they started from. What is keeping them there, and why does it want them dead? I wasn't expecting much going into this film, so maybe that's why I was so surprised by how much I enjoyed it. It's not your 'typical' haunted house story, and there's more to it than meets the eye. The friends are more than just mere eye candy who have no clue what's going on...they actually solve the riddle of the hotel and know how to stop the curse of it, but all they have to do is survive to achieve that goal. I found it to be a fresh idea given to an overdone theme.