Truly Dreadful Film
It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
The movie runs out of plot and jokes well before the end of a two-hour running time, long for a light comedy.
Like the man said there is nothing new under the sun and here we have our old friend Martin Guerre as a boy or, in other words, it's the one about the missing person, presumed dead, who turns up after several years as large as life and maybe even larger. A plot like this is no good unless there is an element of doubt. Is this person REALLY who he says he is or, most plausible scenario, has he crossed the path of the REAL missing person and learned enough about his life prior to the disappearance to convince the family - wife/husband/parents that he is the real McCoy and not a Hatfield in drag. Made with a touching concern for the electric light bill of the Producers this film benefits from excellent acting by Miou-Miou and Olivier Gourmet. Though the subdued lighting is compatible with suspense/noir we know almost from frame one the the boy who turns up claiming to be the missing son is a flimmer so that the only unknown quantity is will he get away with it. If we needed one more film in this genre this is as good as any with a well- crafted screenplay and fine acting all round. Well worth watching.
A child who disappeared ten years ago reappears much to his family's happiness.Alix De Maistre made a very original movie,which went unnoticed ,which is a pity ;Although the story demanded a realistic treatment,she opted for a near-thriller verging on fantasy and horror.Almost all the scenes take place in dark rooms ,or at night,or on a path in the forest at misty or rainy dawns .The lighting effects ,in the gloomy hospital or in the new son's room create a disturbing atmosphere .The viewer himself always feels ill at ease because there is a sword of Damocles:at the time of Kaspar Hauser ,Victor the wild child or Anastasia (or at least when she was alive)there was no DNA.And the waiting is the hardest time.Acting follows suit:Miou -Miou has never been so restrained and avoids pathos and melodrama.She looks like she's living in a dream,and she is ,anyway.Some clues are given to the viewer but they remain obscure and the movie keeps its mystery even till the last pictures when Tony smiles sweetly as the car runs away.