Port of Call
Port of Call
| 11 October 1948 (USA)
Port of Call Trailers

A suicidal factory girl out of reformatory school, anxious to escape her overbearing mother, falls in love with a sailor who can't forgive her past.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Richard Chatten Set in Gothenberg, 'Hamnstad' was Bergman's fifth feature film, his first with cameraman Gunnar Fischer, and concludes his early "neo-realist" phase - there's still plenty of documentary footage of blue collar working life and its all rather more sordid than his later films, including a harrowing section involving an abortion - but much more sparing use is made of Erland von Koch's than hitherto in anticipation of the more laid-back approach he was soon to adopt.
cstotlar-1 This is really a film about an unhappy woman,the people around her and her journey to find happiness. The other characters are props but props devised with imagination and played quite well. She has been sent to reformatory time and again and her attempts to find sexual love frustrated at every attempt. We feel for her and sense that she is a good human being who has simply not seen a break. In flashback we see the reason for her unhappiness - an abusive, unsympathetic mother, people willing to exploit her...There is little of anything we have come to associate with the older Bergman. The camera movements are in Hollywood-style and the editing invisible. The girl's desolation is mainly private, even from the viewer, but the film is one about her and not the other characters. This is one of Bergman's central points throughout his career. I'm glad I saw this but now it's time to move on.Curtis Stotlar
theachilles While Gosta, a seaman, arrives in Gothenburg, a young girl, Berit, makes a suicide attempt in the city harbour. After saving her, a rather promising relationship seems to begin but much work needs to be done from both of them in order to be together. In 1948, Ingmar Bergman seems already familiar with the themes that he will never stop examining throughout his career. He observes and studies human behavior in everyday circumstances, in an effort to get a glimpse of its roots. Berit is depressed, but her situation has a long story, starting from her childhood. Growing up with a mother that never cared for anything and anyone but herself and a father that had a problem hiding his temper, she ended up in a reform school and the implications are therefore predictable. Gosta has just finished working in the ships and he finds himself working in the docks of Gothenburg, despite his ambition for something bigger. They are both in the need of a clean start in their lives, carrying their burdens from the past on the left and their dreams for the future on the right. When they first meet, they can't possibly imagine how similar they are. In fact, they seem incapable of realizing anything because of the wall they have built around them in order to protect themselves. But she desperately needs to free herself from her mother (who impersonates all of her past) and he desperately needs to find someone to relief him from his loneliness. So, they will fight through all the difficulties for these goals. Eventually, she will learn to have some faith in other people, he will learn to forgive and they will both learn to face the past. This film also works on a political level as the story takes place among the dock workers struggling everyday just for the essentials. Bergman himself admits the influence that the Italian Neo-Realists had on him in his first films and Port of Call is a characteristic example. It is mostly shot on location and the work in cinematography is really admirable, the black and white photography and the camera movement is stunning and Bergman proves how talented he is when it comes to framing. The leading actors give notable performances, especially Nine-Christine Jonsson. Overall, Port of Call is an interesting film, a typical example of the first period in Bergman's filmography that will reach its climax with "Summer with Monika". The story may sound clichéd and naïve at times, but it is its honesty that engages its viewers, as well as the masterful shots of the great Swedish director.
sol- An early film from Ingmar Bergman, it is just as interesting on a visual scope as his films usually are, with the docklands filmed well and good use of panning and dolly work throughout. In terms of story and acting though, this is rather ordinary stuff, despite some interesting ideas and philosophies about freedom. It seems the easy way to out to just classify this film as interesting but not up to the standard that Bergman would later set, however I cannot think of much else to say here. It certainly is not as thought-provoking and intense as some of his later films, and for those not interested in Bergman or clever camera movement, I could easily imagine this piece coming across as boring.