Popular Music
Popular Music
| 19 January 2006 (USA)
Popular Music Trailers

Matti and Niila, growing up in the mid-sixties in the harsh and conservative environment of a Finnish-speaking part of Tornedalen in Swedish Laponia, close to the Finnish border. Their big dream is to become rock stars. In the present the now grown-up Matti feels guilt for the death of his drug-addicted rock star friend Niila.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
jk-197 Walking into this movie just more or less accidentally, I went out 105 minutes later with another candidate to my "all times' best list". Formerly employed in movie-jobs myself, I can only say that this is a masterpiece. May be the critics about incoherent use of local dialects is right - I saw it translated anyway. But, if this is a misfit, I must say, there are hardly other minor misfits. The movie is not boring for a second, and the tough scenes are not voyeuristic like usual, but describing the characters and the environment - yes, in a tough way. Highly to be recommended to everyone who was not raised in an accomodance of McD' and Cadillacs. Very close to live, and wonderfully set into scene. Pure live, the hard way, yes, but full of real love. A must for cineastics.
ronza I have just seen the film, and i loved it! I've read the book and it was a lot better because it had more details, but the film has a certain atmosphere of it's own that is quite magic. The way the story is told is great, and you really get involved with the film. And it is very funny as well! I emmidiately felt the urge to go see the magnificent landscapes in the film, and maybe i will some day. I loved the actors in it, Björn Kellman is always wonderful to watch, but the younger actors were great too. I liked Andreas af Enehjelm (Niila) in particular, he seems to be a very sensitive actor. Let's have more Finnish and Swedish films, the languages are beautiful and the stories go straight to the heart!
skovstrup Very disappointing! A school example of how a hilarious, funny and moving book can be made into an incoherent collection of sound and music. More or less everything is wrong: character description, portrait of the specific era, soundtrack, narrator's role, casting except for a few very good ones, setting etc etc. There is no flow and nothing keeping the project together. It is like watching a long series of sketches with a few good ones thrown in but a lot of cinematic junk food in between. The best scenes are definitely the darker ones which also stand out more prominent than in the book, whereas the funny and warm side is almost completely missing, just being referred to without any enthusiasm. Read the book instead.
Enchorde ** HERE MIGHT BE SPOILERS **Matti reminisces about his youth with best friend Niila. In the village of Pajala in the far north of Sweden they grew up and experienced their personal adventures. Now, to me this movie is a long biopic of Matti's youth, full of stereotypes (how accurate they may be, I have no way to tell), with some funny episodes now and then. It may be more funny or interesting for someone who actually grew up there and then (or in some similar place), but for me, not having done that, it just wasn't. The general plot and story was very loosely connected and some scenes or subplots actually seemed unnecessary, not contributing in any other way than extending the movie a few minutes. However, good performances from the actors and in some sense an interesting view. However, for entertainment... not that good.5/10